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ari's pov

"get yo ass uppp bitch," mattia yells as he walks into my room with a backpack on his shoulder. it has now been 6 days and i still haven't left my room.

"shut the fuck up and get out my fucking room before i slap you, dumbass," i say.

"you know damn well you're not finna hit me," mattia says as he sits at the end of bed and puts the bag on the ground. kairi walks in and sits next to me against the headboard.

"we're gonna go out today and we're gonna have fun. you've been like this since the last time we saw you. what even happened anyway? you kinda left without an explanation," mattia says.

"y'all don't have to know everything," i say.

"she broke up with her boyfriend," kairi says and i hit him in the back of the head.

"ow you mother fucker!" kairi says.

"that's what you get for telling my business. no ones supposed to know, remember?" i say.

"oops i forgot," kairi says.

"you know i won't tell anyone. but why are you sad if you broke up with him?" mattia asks me.

"because i didn't wanna break up with him but he was too clingy and overprotective and shit," i say.

"don't you think you woulda been the same way to him if he was always constantly around and hanging out with only girls?" mattia says.

"i mean yeah i guess. but he only has guy friends so i don't have to worry about that," i say.

"exactly so you wouldn't know how he feels," mattia says.

"you're about to be going to the same college. you can make up and start dating again and then you'll always be with him so he knows you're not doing stuff with other guys," kairi says.

"okay but what if he doesn't want me back after i broke his heart?" i ask.

"then he's an idiot," kairi says.

"for real. any guy would be lucky to have you. not meaning any of us. that would be hella weird considering most of us have girls already and only see you as a sister anyway," mattia says.

"i knew what you meant. and thanks. but i'm not getting up. i'm gonna lay here, watch my show, and y'all are either gonna get out or be quiet," i say.

i push play on my show and they watch it with me and we just chill for a while.

"ariana your friends are hereeee!" my mom yells from downstairs. i hear footsteps and then jordan and sora walk through my door.

"heyyy bitch. because of what happened, we're here to cheer you up," jay says.

"i'm not getting out of bed," i say.

"yes you are. we don't even have to go anywhere. but today's gonna be a you day. we're all gonna help you. i'm gonna do your makeup and we're gonna dress you up, do your hair, all that shit. you're gonna feel yourself today and i won't leave until you do," she explains.

"noooo," i whine, "i'm comfortable and you interrupted my show!"

"no one fucking cares about your dumb show. not come on. you gotta show vallyk what he lost," she says and i roll my eyes.

she drags me out of bed and i fall straight on my ass. i roll over and rub where i fell on.

"dumbass imma have a bruise now!" i say.

"i don't care," she says. she sticks out her hand and i take it and stand up. the boys start clapping and i turn around and flip them off.

i try to turn around and get back on the bed but sora grabs my shoulders and pulls me back.

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