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chapter 40 already ? damn . anyways...

saturday, december 29

the first night at roshaun's wasn't bad at all. ayiana and kairi got a guest room and vallyk and i slept on a king sized air mattress in the upstairs living room.

(a/n : yk how some people have 2 living rooms ? yeah that)

i'm laying in the bed by myself because vallyk is in the shower and while i'm laying there, kairi walks up to me.

"imma go meet up with lillian. i gotta talk to her," he says.

"okay. just don't let ayiana know where you are," i joke.

"trust me, i know. but roshaun's got her distracted. he's dying her hair," he says.

"uh... okay then.. well good luck," i say.

"thanks. see you later," he says before leaving.

kairi's pov

i get to lillian's house and knock on the front door. her mom opens it for me and i go upstairs to lillian's room.

"hey," i say as i stand in her doorway. her door was open so there was no point in knocking.

"uh hey," she says.

"look i'm sorry about the way ayiana was acting the other day," i say.

"i'm sorry for calling you a piece of shit and for arguing back with her. i was just mad because she was getting on my nerves," she says.

"yeah.. i know. and i deserved that," i say.

"is apologizing all you're here for?" she asks.

"uh i was also gonna say that i still wanna be friends. i know things are weird between us right now but i miss you. whether it's as a friend or more than that," i admit.

"did you just admit you still had feelings for me?" she asks.

"n-no. i just meant- you know what forget what i said. friends?" i say and she laughs. she gets up off the bed and walks over to me and hugs me so i obviously hug her back.

(a/n : ha i'm not sorry for this next part)

"i'm glad i have you back. even though we're just friends," she says. we pull away from the hug and just stare at each other for a few seconds.

we both find ourselves leaning in until the gap closes between us and neither of us pull away. i'm cheating on ayiana and i don't even care.

i'd rather be with lillian over ayiana any day. we wouldn't have even broke up if it wasn't for college anyways.

the kiss gets a little more heated and lillian shuts and locks the door before pulling me to the bed and you can guess where things go from there.

after we're done showering, i start thinking about the fact that ayiana probably knows i'm gone now and i need to get home.

i grab my things and kiss lillian goodbye before heading out and back home. once i get there, i start thinking.

i don't regret doing that with lillian, but i'm just terrified about what ayiana's gonna do to me when she finds out. she's mean sometimes.

ari's pov

kairi's been gone awhile and ayiana's starting to ask about. i hear the front door shut, interrupting yet another question of ayiana's.

"i'm back!" kairi yells. he walks into the living room and over to us and ayiana immediately starts showering him with questions.

"where have you been? why were you gone so long? what were you doing? where'd you go?" she keeps asking.

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