
1.2K 44 19

"flight 372, gate 4. flight 372, gate 4. boarding now," we hear over the loud speakers. holy fuck this is actually happening.

we board the plane and i have the window seat with kairi next to me and mateo next to him. jackson, my dad, and rachel are in the row in front of us.

thank god this plane has wifi because me and vallyk were in the middle of a conversation. well we just ended it but i still wanna keep talking to him.

angel 🤩
just boarded the plane !!

vallyk 🥺
i'm boarding in a few hours

angel 🤩
omg we're actually gonna meettt

vallyk 🥺
ikkk i can't wait angel

angel 🤩
i can't wait either bub

vallyk 🥺
are you gonna be at the airport when i land

angel 🤩
what time are you landing la time

vallyk 🥺
should be around 2:30 pm

angel 🤩
i'll be landing around 2 , so i'll just stay there and wait for you

vallyk 🥺
yayyy okay i can't wait to see you

angel 🤩
me either 🥺

vallyk 🥺
i'll let you sleep so it goes faster

angel 🤩
okay byeee

vallyk 🥺
bye angel

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"i see that smile," kairi says.

"shut up," i laugh.

"when is he landing?" he asks.

"like 30 minutes after us," i say.

"so only like 6 or 7 hours and y'all will finally be together," he says.

"i've been waiting for this for 2 months and it's finally happening," i say, "i'm so excited."

"trust me i know," he says making me laugh.

"alright imma go to sleep now so we can hurry the fuck up," i say.

"okay," he says. i put in my airpods and close my eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep.

i wake up to kairi shaking me awake.

"we're here!" he says. i immediately sit up and start collecting all my things. once we all have everything we need, we exit the plane.

derek 🦧
where are you dumbfuck

ari 🖕
just got off the plane , i see a starbucks

derek 🦧
i'm right around the corner from there

"why am i so nervous?" i laugh and kairi laughs too. we walk a little farther and i see derek walking towards me. i drop my stuff and run to him and hug him.

we stay like that for a good 30 seconds before pulling away. he looks to the side so i do too and i see mike. i run over to him and hug him too. while i'm hugging mike, kairi "bro hugs" derek.

once i pull away i have to stop myself from jumping up and down, that's how excited i am. kairi walks over and "bro hugs" mike.

"ahhh oh my goshhhh! i can't believe we're actually together!" i say.

"me either. now all we needa get is vallyk and kobe and we're all here," derek says.

"i know i can't wait to meet vallyk," i say.

"because you like him," mike says.

"no i don't," i say.

"mhm whatever you say," derek says. i roll my eyes and we go sit down at starbucks, get drinks, and wait for vallyk and kobe. they're landing at the same time.

we've been waiting for 25 minutes now and my phone buzzes.

vallyk 🥺
i'm heree where are y'all

angel 🤩
starbucks , what gate are you at

vallyk 🤩

angel 🤩
you're close , we'll meet in between

i put down my phone and get up from the table. i leave my stuff with my dad and me and the boys make our way to gate 6. i'm shaking from how excited i am.

i see him from far away and my smile grows. the closer i get, the faster i walk. we finally get pretty close and he drops his stuff and i run and jump in his arms.

i wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist, lifting me off the floor. he spins me around for a second before setting me down and rocking our bodies back and forth.

"hey angel," he says.

"hey bub," i whisper trying not to cry.

we stayed in the hug for over a minute. this feels so unreal. once we finally pull away, he "bro hugs" everyone and i go get my stuff back from my dad.

i walk back over to vallyk and hug him again but this time my arm is around his waist and his arm is over my shoulder. i'm side-hugging him.

out of the corner of my eye i see kobe walking up so i let go of vallyk and go give him a hug. then he bro hugs everyone and then we all go eat something.

we finally finish and leave to go to derek's house. my family is staying in a hotel room. we got 2, one for me, kai, and tae, and one for jax, my dad, and rachel.

we get to derek's house and walk in and i look around. it's pretty big and it's really pretty. he takes us up to his room.

we sit around his room and i sit on his bed next to vallyk. he has his arm around me and i'm kinda leaning on his chest but not laying on it (if that makes sense.)

"aw look at the lovebirds," mike says once he sees us. i roll my eyes.

"we're just friends," i say.

"ha okay," derek says. we hang around and talk for a while more and we eventually order dinner and eat.

"hey ari, jackson says your dad wants us at the hotel now," kairi says. i frown.

"aw okay," i say. i hug everyone and hug vallyk last before leaving dereks house. we get an uber to take us to the hotel.

once we're there, we go inside and find our room. i knock on the door and mateo opens it, letting us in. we go in and i see that there's 2 beds in one room and 1 bed in the other room. i guess they bought suites for us.

i get my clothes and go to the bathroom and change into pajamas which is just a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

i go back in the double bed room and lay down. kairi's on the other bed. i scroll through instagram until i get tired and eventually go to sleep.

a/n : idk why i'm so tired today.

angel *vallyk pena*Where stories live. Discover now