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"come on angel we got places to be," vallyk says as he tugs on my arm. i roll into his chest and groan.

"i wanna cuddle though," i say.

"we can when we get back tonight," he says.

"fineee," i say as i climb out of bed. i pick up my bag and pull my clothes out before going to the bathroom and changing.

once i got my clothes on, vallyk changes then i go back in and fix my hair and start doing my makeup. vallyk walks in.

"what are you doing?" he asks me.

"my makeup," i say.

"you don't need makeup baby," he says. he grabs my waist and spins me around to face towards him and he kisses me.

"at least let me wear mascara and lipgloss," i say.

"okay only that though," he says. he kisses me again before letting me go and i put mascara and lipgloss on.

once we're both completely ready, we go get kairi from the hotel room and then we go get in vallyk's car and drive to derek's house.

we knock on the door and derek opens it, immediately hugging or bro hugging all of us. we go in and i hug mike and kobe.

we all sit on the couch and just talk.

"so who y'all gonna room with?" mike asks.

"uh prolly jay and i don't know," i say. just then my phone buzzes with a text from jordan asking if she can room with sora and his friend. so of course i say yeah just not to be rude. perfect timing. note the sarcasm.

"nevermind that. she rooming with sora and his friend. so i guess kai and prolly vallyk," i say.

"so me, mike, and derek gonna share? i'm cool with that," kobe says.

"same," derek says.

"me too," mike says.

"wait y'all okay with sharing with me right?" i say looking at vallyk and then at kairi.

"i'm fine with that, ion know anyone else going there except us anyways," kairi says.

"same," vallyk says. i already know the reason he's actually okay with sharing with me, but i'm not about to say that in front of the boys.

"you know we only have three days left here," i say.

"why would you say that? we gotta enjoy it while we can," kobe says.

"i don't know it just popped into my head. you know what if y'all move back to jersey with me," i say.

"i wish. but my parents would never let me do that," mike says.

"you know you weren't finna ask anyways," i say.

"okay and maybe i wanna spend some more time with them before i can't anymore," he adds.

"see that makes sense," i say.

"you really talking like you don't got me," kairi says.

"no of course i know i got you. you're just not as important," i joke and kairi fake gasps.

"i'm just joking. i know i have you but you can't tell me you don't want everyone to move out to jersey with us," i say.

"okay yeah i do," he says.

"exactly," i say.

"so y'all tryna go swimming?" derek asks.

"i didn't bring a swimsuit. i mean i didn't really expect to be going swimming so," i say.

"it's fine. you can borrow one of ahiella's. she litterally bought like 10 new ones the other day and then told me she wasn't even gonna wear half of them," derek says.

"ahiella's your sister, right?" i say. derek nods his head.

"her room is upstairs. the second door on the right. she's in there," he says. i get up off the couch and i walk to her room. i knock on the door.

"come in," i hear her say. i open the door and smile at her and she smiles back.

"hey i'm ari, derek's friend," i say.

"oh yeah i know. he talk about you and the boys all the time," she says making me laugh.

"anyway we're going swimming so i was wondering if you had a swimsuit i could borrow?" i say.

"yeah for sure. i just bought some new ones that i'm prolly not even gonna wear," she says as she gets up off her bed.

she walks to her closet and looks through it for a second before walking back out to me and handing me a swimsuit.

"thank you so much," i say.

"no problem. and you can keep it if you want," she smiles. i walk out of her room and shut the door behind me before going back downstairs.

"where do i change?" i ask.

"the bathroom down that hallway," derek says and points down the hallway.

"it's the door at the end," he adds. i walk into the bathroom and change into the swimsuit which is a baby blue top with black bottoms.

once i'm done, i walk back out and the boys are already changed too. derek throws me a towel and we all go outside to the backyard.

we all get in the pool and i feel hands grab my waist. i turn around to see a smiling vallyk.

"not right now baby. i don't want anyone seeing," i whisper to where only he can hear.

"fine but imma get a kiss when we leave," he says making me quietly laugh.

"okay," i say and he lets go of me.

a/n : my guy best friend just called me "best friend" and lemme tell you how big i smiled and idek know why. and i'm not allowed to date and somehow the topic came up abt how i'll be able to at a certain age and he said "yay! 😭" and i said "don't act like you're excited 😭" and he said "i am 😂" and i said "mhm sure" and he said "i am" and i said "why would you be excited for me 😭😂" and he said "cuz it's u" and i said "wdym" and he said "it's u" then he sent another text that said "you're my best friend" and i said "thanks ig" bc i didn't know how to respond to it and he just said "yw" and then we started a whole other conversation like that didn't just happen. CHILEE anyways so

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