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almost one month later (sorry)

today's my birthday. it's also may 26, which means it's the last day of school. i'm at my dads again. but my moms driving down here so i can celebrate it with both of them.

she was even nice enough to bring both jordan and sora because sora and i started becoming close while i was in jersey. (not in that way, he's jordan's) and kairi's already here since he comes with me every time.

my dad is letting me skip the last day of school because we already got all grades and assignments in. for the last day of school, all they do is set up a meeting so you can talk to your friends if you want. since i do online school that's what they do.

also vallyk and i have started talking a lot more. i gave him my number so i can give him the name i want in my phone.

we've been getting really close recently. i wish he could be here for my birthday. i wish all of them could be here honestly. but if i had to choose one, it'd be vallyk.

it's currently 10:30 and we're all going out for a birthday lunch at 11:30. all meaning me, my mom, my dad, jordan, lillian, kairi, and sora.

new notification : imessage from vallyk 🥺

would you like to open messages?

yes | no

would you like to open a chat with vallyk 🥺?

yes | no

vallyk 🥺
happy birthday ari ❤️ i know i couldn't be there with you, but my gift should get there either today or tomorrow. i really hope we can meet up soon though. anyways have a great day and let me know how it goes later :)

angel 🤩
thank you! you know you didn't have to get me anything, right? and i wish you were here too :(

vallyk 🥺
you're welcome, and i know but i wanted to. it's nothing expensive or anything, just a little something i thought you might like

angel 🤩
well thank you, it means a lot, especially considering you live halfway across the world lmao. but we'll get to see each other soon !

vallyk 🥺
no problem. and i can't wait to see you. also tell everyone i said hey

angel 🤩
okay i will

vallyk 🥺
i'll let you go now bc you probably have birthday plans but facetime me when you get home

angel 🤩
don't worry, i won't forget. i'll talk to you later <3 byee

vallyk 🥺
bye angel

i start and my friends start laughing at me. i look up at them and roll my eyes while still smiling.

"y'all are annoying, you know that?" i laugh.

"lemme guess. vallyk?" lillian says.

"what'd he say this time?" jordan asks.

"he just said happy birthday. that's all," i say.

"all he said was happy birthday and he got you smiling like that? mhm totally believe that. what'd he actually say?" kairi says.

"ugh he just said happy birthday and he wishes he could be here," i say.

"and what else? because that's definitely not all," sora says.

"i've known you for a month and you already know me so well," i laugh, "but he said he sent me a birthday gift. it's supposed to get here today or tomorrow."

"girlll imagine the gift is him!" lillian says.

"there's no way. he doesn't know my address," i say.

"he had to send you the gift some way," jordan says.

"i mean you have a point but how would he have gotten it? i didn't give it to him," i say. i start thinking about it and i look at lillian. i gave her socials out in the group chat so he could've talked to her over instagram.

" have anything you wanna tell me?" i ask.

"okay so mayyybe i talked to him. but he texted me first!" she says, "he asked you what you've been wanting for your birthday."

"and you told him? if i tell y'all not to get me anything then why would you tell himmm?" i say.

"aye don't complain. he's getting you something good," lillian says.

"whatever. he says hey by the way. anyways...y'all ready to go now?" i ask. everyone nods their heads and we all get up and leave my room and walk downstairs.

once we get down there, i walk over to my mom and dad.

"we're ready to go now," i say. the come with us and i go open the front door. when i open it, there's a box on the front porch.

it has the address it was sent from and of course my address so i look at it and it's from dallas texas which is where vallyk lives. i smile and i pick up the box.

"who is that from?" my mom asks after seeing my name on it.

"vallyk, and he says hey by the way," i say. they know who he is because i talk about him all the time and i'm always on the phone with him. i start opening the box. the first thing i see is a note on top of a bunch of tissue paper.

i open the note.


happy birthday. you're finally 18! i hope you're having fun. but not too much fun without me. i hope to see you soon. and since i can't be with you and buy you stuff in person, here's some stuff that'll work until we're together.


i smile as i fold the note back up and place it beside the box. i start taking the tissue paper out and i look inside.

there's a bunch of candy and little small gifts. i got nerds, sour patch kids, jolly ranchers, gummy bears, ring pops, baby bottle pops, caramel apple suckers, and a couple packs of gum.

he also got me a sweatshirt that i've seen him wear and some fuzzy socks and a bucket hat that i've been wanting for a while. and there's also a couple gift cards.

i close the box and run it up to my room real quick. once i get up there, i immediately put on the sweatshirt. it's a little big, but that's what makes it fit perfectly.

while i'm still in my room, jordan and lillian run up there and see me wearing the sweatshirt. jordan gasps.

"is that one of his sweatshirts?" she says. i laugh and nod my head. they start squealing.

"shut up. my parents are gonna hear," i say, "and did you tell him to give me his sweatshirt?"

"no i didn't. i told him candy and that bucket hat but that's all," she says. i smile thinking about the fact that he actually sent me the sweatshirt without anyone telling him to. hopefully one of the boys didn't tell him to.

we go back downstairs and over to my parents and kairi and sora.

"y'all ready to go now?" my dad asks. we all say yes and go get in the car with everyone else.

a/n : just saying, it's gonna be a while until they see each other in person.

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