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i wake up and get ready for the day. today's gonna be a day for just me and vallyk.

i put on ripped jeans and a cropped baby blue tank top and then over that i'm wearing vallyk's hoodie that he gave me for my birthday.

once i'm completely ready, i make sure i have my phone and my bag and head out the door. before i get out, mateo stops me.

"you better not come back limping," he says. i roll my eyes.

"no need to worry," i say. i walk out and head to vallyk's hotel room. once i'm there, i knock on the door.

"who is it?" i hear him ask.

"ari," i say back. he opens the door and he's in just a towel with his body dripping slightly.

"sorry i just got out the shower. you can wait in the living room while i change," he says. i nod my head and go sit on the couch and wait.

once he comes back out, i stand up and he hugs me. once he pulls away he gives me a kiss.

"you ready to go?" he asks as he puts his shoes on.

"you ready to tell me where we're going?" i say.

"nope it's a surprise," he says. he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room and we walk down to his car and get in.

"can you please tell meee," i say.

"it's a surprise angel," he says. he pulls out of the hotel parking lot and pulls into a starbucks drive through.

"i know you love starbucks so what do you want?" he asks with a smile.

"a strawberry açaí with lemonade and no strawberry chunks," i answer also with a smile, "thank youuu."

(a/n : that's my actual order. it's like the only thing i drink from there lmao)

"no problem," he says. he orders my drink and we pull up and he pays and hands it to me. we then pull out of the parking lot and he goes through the mcdonald's drive through.

"i haven't eaten anything this morning so imma get something to eat real quick. you want anything?" he asks.

"only if i can pay," i say.

"noooo. this is my treat," he says.

"fine a bacon egg and cheese bagel," i say.

(a/n : that's also my actual order for breakfast at mcdonald's)

we go through the line, he orders, pays, then we get our food. he takes out his and hands me mine and we both start eating.

once i'm done, i continue drinking my starbucks drink but also get on my phone to pass time. just as i finish my drink, he finally pulls to a stop and i look up and we're at universal.

"you didn't," i say.

"i did," he smiles. i quickly lean over and kiss him before getting out of the car. he gets out too and i walk over to him.

"thank you thank you thank you!" i say as i hug him.

"i wanted to do something fun for our first date and we're in california so why not," he says. he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers as we walk up to the ticket guy.

vallyk pays...again and we get our wristbands and then we go inside the theme park.

(a/n : i've never been to universal so don't judge me pls lmao)

"where do you wanna go first?" he asks me.

"i don't know where anything is, i've never been here," i say.

"i haven't either. here," he says. he grabs a map from a stand and opens it up. i look at the places and pick one to go to then we go there and ride that ride.

we keep going to different attractions and walking around the big place for what seems like ever and my stomach starts growling.

i look at the time and i see that it's 1 already.

"we've already been here for 4 hours? dang!" i say.

"time goes by when you're having fun. and when you have to wait 30 minutes in each line," vallyk says making both of us laugh.

"you hungry?" he asks me.

"i was just about to ask the same thing. and before you say anything, i'm paying for our food this time. you have spent entirely too much money today and i have plenty to spend," i say.

he laughs again and grabs my hand and pulls me to a little food court. we order what we want and sit down at a table.

"hey i'll be right back, i gotta go to the bathroom," he says.

"okay," i say. he leaves and i just sit there on my phone waiting for him to get back.

"hey mamas," i hear. that definitely doesn't sound like vallyk and it's not even something he would say so i look up to see who it is.

standing in front of me is a tall lightskin guy with green eyes. he has a beanie on but i can see that he has curly hair that's probably naturally brown/black but that he died blonde.

"can i help you?" i ask him.

"i'm tony and you're fine as fuck," he says as he smiles at me.

"yeah my boyfriend thinks so too," i say unamused.

"shit ion see no boyfriend around here," he says.

"that would be me," i hear vallyk say as he walks up behind me. he sits down and wraps his arm around my waist.

"this for real your man? you could do so much better ma," he says.

"ew don't call me that. can you please go away? i'm tryna have a good day and i don't want yo dumbass to fuck it up for me," i say.

"ion like the fact that you over here up in my girl business like this. she's obviously not interested," vallyk says.

right after he says that, security walks up behind 'tony' and one of the men clears his throat.

"is this man bothering you?" the other security guy asks.

"yes sir," i say. i'm not tryna get no one in trouble but i'm not tryna put up with no ones shit today. i'm in a good mood and i wanna keep it that way.

"okay thank you for letting us know," he says. he directs tony out of the food court and i don't see him again the rest of the time we're there.

once we're done, we go home and stop for dinner on the way back to the hotel. we get back and pull into the parking lot.

"you wanna spend the night with me?" vallyk asks.

"yeah sure. lemme just get my stuff from my room and i'll be right there," i say.

"i'll just go with you," he says. we both get out the car and head to my room. i go in and go into the bedroom where kairi's just sitting there on his phone.

"damn you were really gone all day. oh hey vallyk!" he says.

"hey!" vallyk says. i go to my suitcase and grab the things i would need to get ready tomorrow and then put them in my backpack.

"you staying with him tonight?" kairi asks.

"yeah," me and vallyk say at the same time.

"don't be doing nothing because we gonna be hanging out with the boys tomorrow and i don't think they wanna watch you limp around derek's house," kairi jokes. i grab a pillow off the bed and throw it at him and he just laughs.

"bye dumbass," i say as i walk out the door. we leave my room and go to his and cuddle and watch a movie.

a/n : anyone wanna give me ideas to make this book better ??

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