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after my day hanging out with derek, i went on my date with vallyk. the next day the boys and i all went bowling before it was time for me and kai's and my family's flight to leave.

we're all at the airport right now and we're saying goodbye. of course i don't want to leave, but i really don't have a choice i guess.

"i'm gonna miss all y'all so much," i say.

"me too," kairi says. i hug everyone and when no ones looking i give vallyk a quick kiss then walk back to my family with kairi as i wave to my friends.

we board our flight and sit how we did on the way here. i sigh and just stare out the window.

"you know we'll see them soon, right?" kairi says.

"i know but i'm gonna miss vallyk," i say.

"you're not gonna miss the other boys?" he asks.

"well obviously i am but vallyk's my boyfriend, of course imma miss him the most," i say.

"i forgot about that. but hey at least you get to spend literally all your time with him once school starts," he says.

"yeah i guess you're right," i say. since the plane has wifi, i decide to email ucla and tell them my roommates so we can get our move-in date.

(a/n : again, idk how this shit works)

after a few hours, i get an email back saying my roommates have been confirmed and that our move-in date is august 14. so like a month and a half.

i tell kairi and then i text vallyk and tell him as well.

after the flight

we get back to my dads house and my mom is already there waiting for us so she can take us home. and for some reason kairi's dad is there too.

we get all our things that we need and i go with my mom and kairi obviously comes with me. we get in the car and begin our drive home.

"so we have something to tell you guys which i don't think you're going to be upset about at all considering how close the two of you have become," my mom says out of nowhere.

me and kairi look at each other before looking our parents.

"janice and i are dating!" kairi's dad says making both of our jaws drop. janice is my moms name if you couldn't tell.

kairi's mom passed away when he was really little. like he was like 6.

"for real?" kairi asks.

"yeah. and only if it's okay with you guys, we were thinking about moving in together," my mom says. i mean shit, more time to hang out with my best friend. i'm not complaining.

"i'm fine with that. i'm happy for y'all," i say.

"me too. i mean i never expected y'all out of everyone, but me too," kairi says.

"are they moving in with us or are we moving in with them?" i ask.

"we'll be moving in with them," my mom says.

"when?" kairi asks.

"as soon as y'all are okay with it," his dad says.

"i'm okay with it whenever. but we'll be moving out soon anyways. but i guess even then we'd still live together because we're rooming together but still," kairi says.

"same," i say.

"good because i kind of already moved us in. when did you guys decide this rooming thing?" my mom says.

"wow mom. glad we're okay with it then. and well lils isn't going to ucla and jay is rooming with her boyfriend and his friend so i had to pick new people to room with. which is kairi and vallyk," i say.

"i have two questions. what happened to lillian going to ucla, and who is vallyk?" kairi's dad says.

"lils mom wants her to go to a local college because she doesn't want her to be away that long," kairi says.

"and vallyk is this guy i met on an app called meet. it puts you in this random group chat and you can talk or whatever. when we went to california, we got to see everyone from the groupchat. and also vallyk may or may not be my boyfriend," i say.

"um you did not tell me this," my mom says.

"because it just happened while we were up there," i say.

"does your dad know?" my mom asks.

"no. kairi, mateo, and y'all are the only people that know. so don't say anything to anyone," i say, "i'll tell dad eventually but you know he's super overprotective."

"oh yes. i know," my mom says.

"where's maiya?" kairi asks.

"she's staying with jordan tonight so we could get y'all home," his dad says, "we'll go pick her up in the morning."

we keep talking for a while and we eventually get home at like 4am. kairi goes to his room and i find my room which looks almost exactly like it did at my old house.

i lay down and immediately go to sleep.

the next day, i wake up and immediately get ready to go see jay and maiya. once i'm ready i go make sure kai is ready and we leave. it's just me and him going.

once we're there i go in without knocking and we go up to jordan's room and she's in there with sora and maiya. once she sees us, she screams and runs over to us.

she immediately gives me a hug, squeezing me to death. then she gives kai a hug.

"i missed you so much," she says.

"me too," i say.

"y'all really living with each other all the time now, huh?" jordan says.

"yep. but i'm kinda used to him always being around anyways," i say making kairi and jordan both laugh.

i walk in the room and kairi hugs maiya then i hug sora then i hug maiya and kairi bro hugs sora.

"so are you and vallyk dating yet?" jordan asks.

"noooo. we're just friends," i lie.

"mhm. let me know when y'all are so i can give him my talk," she says.

"first of all, you'll be waiting a while probably forever, second, you didn't let me give mine to sora!" i say.

"that's because sora and i weren't dating!" she says.

"weren't? as in were not? as in past tense?" i ask and jordan realizes what she said.

"why didn't you tell meee?" i ask.

"well i wanted to surprise you when you were surprise!" she says making me laugh.

"well congratulations. i'm happy for y'all. sora, don't you dare break her heart," i say making jay hit my arm.

"don't scare him," she says.

"please, i haven't even given him my talk yet. he's fine," i say making sora look at my with a hella confused expression and maiya, kairi, and jordan all laugh along with me.

a/n : these boys messing with me- they confusing as hell but as long i got them i'm fine. (i'm talking abt my friends btw)

uhhh yeah idk. happy late thanksgiving :) and merry early christmas. we're decorating today 🙂

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