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we finally leave and vallyk takes me and kairi back to the hotel. once we get there, we go to my room and kairi goes in but i stay outside so i can talk to vallyk.

"so tomorrow i think me and derek were gonna go hang out, but we can have a date night tomorrow night. are you okay with that?" i say to him.

"yeah that's fine. as long i get to see you," he says.

"how about you stay the night with me, i'll go with derek around 10-11, be home by 5-6 then i'll come back here, we can get ready, and we can go on our date," i explain hoping he agrees.

"that sounds perfect. but don't you and kairi share a room. i don't think he'd want me in there," he says.

"i'm sure he'll be fine with it. if not, we can switch with tae and he can take my bed and we can take his," i say.

"okay," he says. i grab his hand and pull him into the room after unlocking it with my key and mateo's in the kitchen getting water so he stops us to dap up vallyk.

"i'm assuming you're staying here tonight so y'all can take my room if you want," he says.

"thank you," i say and then i go to my room. kairi daps up vallyk and then vallyk sits on my bed while i get my things.

"we're gonna stay in tae's room he's gonna stay in here tonight. is that okay?" i ask kairi.

"yeah that's fine. don't be doing nothing tho. i don't wanna hear that," kairi says. i throw a pillow at him again before grabbing pajamas and walking to the bathroom to change.

i shut the door and change into some basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt. then i fix my hair and brush my teeth and do whatever else to get ready for bed.

i walk back out and to the bedroom and put my dirty stuff away then grab my charger.

"i think there's extra toothbrushes in the bottom drawer on the right side of the sink," i say then dap up kairi before walking to mateo's room.

i knock on the doorframe since it was open and mateo looks up at me. he gets off the bed and grabs the things he needs from his bag before leaving the room.

i lay down and get on my phone while i wait for vallyk to get in here. once he is, he shuts the door and lays next to me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"you tired bubba?" i ask.

"ehh. i just wanna cuddle. and i want this kiss you told me i could get," he says as he looks over at me and smiles.

i put my hands on his face and kiss him. he pulls me on top of him to where i'm straddling  his lap and puts his hands on my waist and deepens the kiss.

(a/n : chile they're not finna have sex you nasty mfs)

i put my hands on his cheeks/side of his face and keep my lips attached to his. i let him slip his tongue in as i melt into the kiss more.

he moved his hands down to my ass and lightly squeezed. i pulled away for air, but almost immediately he pulled me back in and re-attached our lips.

i wrap my arms around his neck to where i'm like hugging him and he squeezes my ass harder making me softly moan causing him to smile into the kiss.

i pull away before the kiss can get more hearted because it's wayyyy too early to be doing that type of shit.

"i'm kinda tired," i say.

"okay baby i'll find something to put on," he says. i lay next to him again and he grabs the remote and puts on the channel that has like bunk'd and raven's home and stuff.

"goodnight angel," he says.

"goodnight bub," i say. i eventually drift off to sleep in his arms.

couple hours later

i wake up panting and in tears. i just had a fucking nightmare. i look at vallyk who's sleeping next to me and i quickly climb out of bed. i guess he felt me moving because

"hey angel what are you doing? oh my god are you okay?" he says immediately getting out of bed as well.

he runs over to me and immediately wraps his arms around as i cry into his chest.

"what happened princess? did you have a bad dream?" he asks me still hugging me.

"y-yes," i say. he pulls away from the hug and pulls me back over to the bed. he sits on the side of it and i stand in between his legs.

"tell me what happened baby," he says. he lets me calm down enough to where i can talk, occasionally wiping my tears and pushing strands of hair out of the way.

"i- in my dream, i saw you and a girl," i say.

"what do you mean?" he asks.

"you were kissing her. and it wasn't me," i say.

"baby you know i would never cheat on you. i'm not that type of person and i would beat myself up over it if i ever did. and if i did, the first thing i would do is come and tell you. it's a dream for a reason angel. it doesn't happen in real life," i say.

"i know," i say. he pulls me into a hug then kisses me when i pull away.

"i'll be right back. i just need to get some fresh air real quick," i say. he nods his head and climbs back in bed. i leave the room and go to kairi.

i shake him awake and he groans and turns over towards me.

"what do you want bitch, i was sleeping. wait why are your eyes red?" he says. he gets out of the bed.

"come with me and i'll explain. i need someone to talk to anyways," i say. he nods his head and i grab a key then we leave the hotel room. we go downstairs and outside and sit on the curb right outside the side building door.

"explain," kai says. so i tell him everything about my dream and about when i woke up.

"what if it's like a red flag or something kai?" i say.

"why would you think that? vallyk is literally the sweetest guy i've ever met. he would never do that to you, ari," he says.

"i know. but i'm just scared. i don't think he gonna hurt me, i just don't wanna be hurt," i say.

"i get it. it makes sense. and it's okay to have worries, but don't let that control your feelings. don't let this distance y'all. now go back in there, get back in bed with him, and tell him sorry for running out on him, then go to sleep. you hanging with derek tomorrow and i don't think he wants to hang with a sleep deprived ari," he says to me.

we stand up and i hug him before walking back inside and we walk back to the hotel room. we go inside and i go back to the room.

"i'm sorry for running out baby," i say. i lay back down and lay my head on his chest.

"it's okay angel," he says. he plays with my hair as i drift off to sleep again.

a/n : why this dude keep messing with me 😭- but we're not finna get into that

i got another headache 😃

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