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two days before the move-in date (sorry for the time skip)

i'm almost done packing everything up. kairi and mateo are already done, but i'm a girl so of course it takes me longer.

"hey kai and ari, there's some people downstairs that want to see you," jackson says as he walks in the room.

"uh...okay?" we say at the same time. we walk downstairs to see my mom, kairi's dad, jordan, and lillian. i run over to lillian and immediately hug her.

last time i was in massachusetts, i didn't get to see lillian at all because we were both always busy.

i then hug jordan because i haven't got to see her recently since i'm in massachusetts right now and she lives in jersey.

i then hug my mom and kairi's dad. kairi hugs his dad and my mom and jordan but skips lillian. i don't blame him, it's pretty awkward to hug your ex after you just recently broke up.

"what are y'all doing here?" i ask.

"we wanted to be able to see y'all again before you left," my mom says.

"you guys go upstairs and hang out for a while," my dad says. we all walk upstairs except for the parents and sit around me and kairi's room.

i sit on my bed with lillian and jordan, jackson sits on my beanbag, and kairi and mateo sit on kairi's bed.

"so how has everyone been?" jordan asks. everyone answers good and stuff and then we start talking and stuff.

i can feel the tension between lillian and kairi and it's super awkward. and it's lowkey getting on my nerves.

"aye jackson, mateo, and jordan, can you go get snacks from downstairs?" i ask.

"yeah we'll be right back," jordan says. them three get up and leave the room.

"okay why is it so awkward? like yeah i understand y'all broke up, but y'all agreed on being friends," i say.

"yeah but it's still gonna be awkward," kairi says.

"yeah. we both still like each other. if i talk to himself bunch, i'm gonna wanna be with him again, but i can't. long distance doesn't work," lillian says.

"me and vallyk did long distance," i say.

"and look how y'all turned out," kairi says.

"damn you have a point. i made a bad example. i'm just saying y'all can still talk. just set boundaries," i say.

"like what?" lillian says.

"no flirting, no physical touching, and keep in mind the reason y'all aren't together," i suggest.

"i guess yeah," lillian says.

"look i'm not tryna force y'all to do anything. but i don't want it to be awkward. i want the whole group to be able to have a normal conversation," i say, "also kairi's like my stepbrother now i guess. well will be if our parents get married. so i kinda want my brother and my best friend to get along."

"i know how you feel, ari, it's just gonna take a little bit to get used to," kairi says.

"i know," i say. after i say that, jordan, jackson, and mateo come back in the room. they give us snacks and stuff and then we watch a movie.

after the movie's over, lillian goes home and my mom and kairi's dad go to the hotel they booked while jordan stays the night.

the next day i wake up to kairi talking on the phone with someone. jordan's already awake.

"who is that?" i ask.

"it's mattia," kairi says.

"why are you talking to him so early?" i groan as i roll over onto my side and shut my eyes again.

"it's 8:30 it's not early. and because mattia, ale, and aloe are gonna come out to massachusetts then fly out to la with us since they're going to ucla too," kairi says.

"oh damn, for real?" i say.

"yeah. they'll meet us at the airport," kairi says. just then my dad walks through the door.

"y'all do remember we have to leave for the airport in an hour, right?" my dad says. i sit up quickly.

"shit i forgot," i say.

"get ready and make sure you have all your things," my dad says. we all start getting ready and i just put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. 

once we're all completely ready, we get our bags and everything and then go downstairs.

"everyone ready to go?" my dad asks us all. we all say yes or whatever and then hug everyone we need to hug then leave.

we pick up sora so it's me, my dad, kairi, mateo, jordan, and sora. we all decided to go together because none of our parents were flying with us so we felt safer this way.

once we got to the airport, we all hugged my dad, even sora, and then headed inside where we met up with sora's friend who's rooming with him and jordan. his name is lonnie.

finally mattia, alejandro, and alvaro arrive and come sit with us while we wait for our flight to be called.

once it's called, we go to our gate and they start boarding us. we get in and sit towards the middle/back.

mateo gets the window seat, kairi sits next to him, and i get the aisle seat next to kai. jordan, sora, and lonnie sit in the row behind us, and alejandro, mattia, and alvaro sit in the row next to us.

"everyone make sure you have your seatbelts on and your phones on airplane mode," the loud speaker says.

they keep going over rules and stuff and finally when they're done, i put my airpods in and lay my head on kairi's shoulder.

"you're still tired?" kairi asks me.

"no but if i go to sleep then we'll get there faster," i say and he laughs. i finally drift off to sleep and wait until we arrive.

new characters :

ayiana randolph as herself
soon to be new friend

lonnie young as himself new friend/sora's best friend18

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lonnie young as himself
new friend/sora's best friend

lonnie young as himself new friend/sora's best friend18

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a/n : i hate my friends. they stay messing with me. blowing up my phone just bc i won't play among us lmao

anyways i got my acct back :) obviously

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