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it's been 3 days and vallyk and i have been nonstop talking about meeting each other. kairi bet jackson 20 bucks that i'm gonna cry. jackson's finna lose some money.

every time we talk, i get butterflies in my stomach and i fucking hate it. i can't keep denying my feelings. my friends already think i'm lying about not liking him.

i haven't even know him for 2 months and i can't stop thinking about him. everything i do, everywhere i go, he's always on my mind.

"hey, kai? can i talk to you?" i ask.

"yeah of course, what's up?" kairi says. he gets off the bed we finally got for him and closes my bedroom door then comes to sit next to me. he closed the door because by the tone of my voice he could tell it was serious.

"i haven't talked to anyone about this and i'm too scared to tell lillian or jay," i say. kairi and i have gotten really close ever since he started living with me.

he's like a brother to me. he's always there when i need him and is a good listener. lately i've been telling him everything.

"you don't have to say anything if you're not ready," he says as he rubs my back. i have my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped around my knees, and face buried on my knees.

"no i need to tell someone," i say.

"what's up?" he asks.

"i think i-, ugh. i think i like vallyk. no i know i do," i sigh.

"and what's wrong with that? vallyk's a great guy. you know he'd treat you right," kairi says.

"i know but he doesn't like me like that," i say. kairi looks at me like i have 5 heads.

"the fuck are you talking about? if he doesn't like you, then i'm had at soccer. bro he literally calls you angel and beautiful and stuff like every day," he says.

"he's just being nice, kai. the other boys do that," i say.

"i know for a fact no one else calls you angel. and they're just hyping you up. like friends are supposed to do," he says.

"but-" i say but he cuts me off.

"put it this way. angel is pet name like baby or bae or whatever. obviously lils and i are dating. i call her baby. imagine i called you that. see it doesn't sound right. like at fucking all. like i said, angel is a pet name. you don't see other guys calling you that. and you don't see him calling anyone else that," he explains.

"how would i even know?" i ask.

"because i talk to him a lot and trust me he doesn't talk to anyone else like that," he says.

"how do i know you're telling the truth?" i ask. he looks at me with an annoyed look.

"first of all, didn't i just say trust me? second, when have i ever lied to you?" he says.

"fair enough. but that doesn't mean he likes me," i say.

"are you fucking blind? the way he looks at you? he practically drools. and when we're on fifa or any other game, the topic is constantly you. he's like- in love with you," he says, "it's pretty obvious."

"i don't know. maybe. i don't know. but i don't wanna talk to him about it because that'll be awkward," i say.

"i'll talk to him for you and ask if he likes you like that. if he says yes, i'll tell him you feel the same and let him handle it from there. if he says no, then he says no. and then after that, i'll handle it and help you move on. okay?" he says.

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