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our classes start today so it's been a few days since the kiss. we've started becoming friends again so that's good at least.

ayiana has been hanging out with kairi a lot these past couple days and it's pissing me the fuck off because he spends more time with her than he does with me now.

i just finished getting ready to head to my first class when i hear a knock on the dorm door. i leave my room and open the door. of course it's ayiana.

"is kai still here?" she asks.

"no he's gone already," i lie.

"oh okay then," she says. she leaves and walks down the hallway. i shut the door and walk to the kitchen and kairi walks in soon after.

"who was that?" he asks.

"your little girlfriend," i say.

"girlfriend? what?" he says.

"ayiana," i say.

"she's not my girlfriend. to be honest, she's annoying as hell. but she's really pretty and nice," he says.

"so you like her or no?" i ask.

"as a friend i guess. but she just talks too much though. anyways why was she here?" he says.

"she asked if you were here. i said no," i say and he laughs.

"why?" he asks.

"because she's tryna take you from me," i say.

"i'm literally with you all the time. plus you have vallyk and the boys," he says.

"you've been with her more than me these past couple a days even though you just met her and i might have them, but i had you first. as in before ayiana," i say as he rolls his eyes.

"i'd choose you over her anyways," he says.

(a/n : not in that way , just meaning he'd rather hang out with ari than ayiana)

"anyways. imma head to class, don't wanna be late," i say.

"alright, see you later bitch, love you," he says.

"love you too dumbfuck," i say as i walk out the door and head to my class.

since we get to make our own schedule, i decided to make mine where i go to two classes each day and i do some of mine online too.

lunch break

i had my first class and it's currently 12:30 and the boys and i and jordan all planned to meet up for lunch.

we decided to meet up in the picnic table area so we can eat outside since the weather's good. i walk with kobe and vallyk towards the picnic tables with vallyk's arm around my shoulders.

"so what happened between you two? you seem fine now but you didn't the other day," kobe says.

"i was just stressed about moving in," i say.

"mhm sure," kobe says.

"kobe you nosy fuck," vallyk says making us all laugh. we get to the table and sit down as we wait for everyone else to arrive.

"sooo you gonna tell me, or.." kobe says.

"oh my god kobe," i say.

"pleeeease," kobe begs, "you know i wouldn't tell anyone."

"if we tell you, you for real cannot tell anyone," vallyk says.

"okay, i promise," kobe says.

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