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one week before the move-in date

i'm at my dads house again btw

i've been packing these last few days and i'm nowhere close to done. i still also have to go shopping for decorations and stuff. and i packed all my stuff from new jersey and took it to massachusetts with me so it can all go together when we send it.

i still haven't talked to vallyk since we broke up but to be fair he hasn't talked to me either. i stopped crying and i've been going out of my room and house more though.

"aye let's go shopping," kairi says, "we need stuff for the dorm room." i start getting ready and once i am, i meet kairi in the living room.

"ready?" he asks.

"yep let's go," i say. we walk out the door and get in his car. he drives to the store and we get out and go inside.

"so first we need bedsheets and comforters," i say. we walk over to the sheet area and look for what we want.

"what color was vallyk going for?" i ask. i can finally say his name without crying.

"blue and grey i think," he says. we find the set we want and put it in the cart.

we shop around for a while more and find just decorations for the dorm.

the dorms are all set up the same way. you walk in and there's bunk beds on one side of the room and a queen sized bed on the other plus a closet. there's also a curtain in the middle that you can open and close.

there's one desk at the end of the bunk beds, one by the window, and one next to the closet.

(a/n : ik that's not actually how it is)

once we find everything we need for now, we pay and then go back home, stopping for lunch on the way. i go back up to my room and keep packing.

i eventually get tired so i lay down and take a little nap.

"ariiiii," i hear as i'm being shaken awake. i turn over to see jackson.

"dinners ready," he says before leaving my room. i look over to see kairi not in the room meaning he probably already went downstairs to eat.

i get out of bed and walk downstairs. i sit with everyone else and we start eating. we've been eating together recently since we're about to not be able to be together for a while.

"ughh i can't believe my baby is going to college," rachel says and mateo rolls his eyes.

"me either. you grew up to fast, ariana, stop it!" my dad says making me laugh, "you too kairi!"

"it still feels unreal but i'm excited," i say.

"you know i remember when you and kairi were like 4 and y'all met. you were inseparable for years. and after middle school you stopped talking until lillian and kairi started talking. and now you're closer than ever." my dad says.

"mhm. i don't know what happened, we just kinda stopped talking and fell out. but i'm glad i have him back." i say and he nods his head.

"same. and i'm kinda stuck with you now. there's no getting rid of your crazy ass is there?" kairi jokes and i laugh again.

"nope your never getting rid of me," i say.

"and i love how you immediately became close with my boys as well. i know adjusting is hard but you took it very well," rachel says.

"it was hard for me. i mean like loosing dad was the worst thing ever but i really like him. i'm glad you picked him because if anyone else was my sister, i wouldn't be able to handle them. but ari's nice and easy to get along with," mateo says. him meaning my dad.

"you know i really wish you two were rooming," rachel says and me and tae look at each other and then at rachel.

"i don't know about sharing a room..." mateo says.

"so how are y'all feeling about leaving?" my dad asks.

"i'm terrified," kairi says. since him and lillian broke up, there's really no point for him to be here, but he said he couldn't be apart from me that long so he came with me.

i really like how close him and i have gotten because it shows that he's a good friend and brother and that he really cares.

"i'm scared but excited. a new opportunities," i say.

"yeah i agree with both of y'all. i just gotta make sure i don't fuck up basketball because that's why i'm here," mateo says.

"you all will do great," rachel says.

"i can't believe we only have a week left with y'all though," jackson says.

"i knowww. i'm gonna miss y'all but we can still call and text," i say, "plus we'll see you at thanksgiving and christmas," i say.

"y'all are gonna have so much fun. just no getting drunk. really i don't even care about that, just no getting pregnant or getting girls pregnant, that's all i ask!" rachel says and we all laugh.

"i'm pretty sure we're good. we're all single anyways," kairi says.

"really? what happened with lillian?" my dad asks.

"and vallyk?" mateo asks probably not thinking about the fact that my dad still doesn't know we dated.

"vallyk? y'all were together?" my dad asks.

"um we're answering kairi's question first. kairi what happened with lillian?" i say trying to get the attention away from me.

"she didn't wanna do long distance," he says.

"understandable," rachel says.

"and vallyk? when were y'all together?" jackson asks.

"well we started dating the day we were at the hollywood sign and we broke up like 2 weeks ago," i say, "sorry i didn't tell you dad. i just know how you are and didn't want you going after him."

"well now i really wanna go after him, he hurt my daughter," my dad says.

"nooo no no no. i broke up with him," i say.

"i guess that makes it a little better," he says and we all laugh and continue eating.

a/n : i want them back together but it's gonna be a couple chapters until it happens, just saying.

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