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i curl up in bed and continue crying, just like i have been for the past 4 days. you would think i wouldn't have any more tears left to cry.

"arianaaa," i hear maiya call out. i turn over facing away from my door and act like i'm asleep.

she walks in my room and i feel her shake me so i stay turned away but act like i just woke up.

"yeah?" i say.

"dinners ready," she says.

"i'm not hungry. tell my mom," i say.

"you've said that the past 4 days. are you okay?" she asks, "are you sick?"

"no no i'm fine. just lost my appetite," i say.

"okay well i'll talk to you later i guess," she says and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

a few minutes later, i hear my room door open then shut and then a small but heavy weight on top of me.

"get the fuck off me fatass," i say knowing it was kairi. he rolls off of me and sits next to me.

"are you okay?" he asks and i shake my head.

"i really miss him," i say as more tears fall.

"ari it's gonna be okay," he says.

"no it's not. you wouldn't even know because the only girlfriend you ever had was lillian and y'all are still together," i say.

"uhhh," he says and i sit up.

"what do you mean uh," i say.

"she actually broke up with me. this morning actually. she said she couldn't do long distance but that we could still be friends," he explains and i look at him shocked.

"and you're not sad about it?" i ask.

"i'm absolutely broken to be honest. i cried for three hours straight and i'm trying not to cry talking about it right now," he says as his voice gets a little shaky.

i pull him into a hug and wrap my arms around him. i'm wearing a tanktop so i feel a tear drop on my shoulder.

"no don't cryyy," i say as i pull away from the hug.

"it just hurts. i really really loved her," he says.

"i know," i say. i hug him again before he climbs off my bed.

"okay no more sulking for either of us. i'm gonna go get both of us plates and i'm gonna come back up here. we're gonna eat together and i'm not leaving until your plates empty. your mom made your favorite," he says.

he leaves the room and comes back up a few minutes later with two plates and sets them on the bed then gets two water bottles from my mini fridge and sits next to me.

"eat," he says. i roll my eyes and pick up my fork. i slowly but surely finish my food and then drink my bottle of water.

"thank you for eating ari. i'll leave you alone now but tell me if you need anything," kairi says. i nod my head and he takes our trash and goes to throw it away.

i lay back down and turn over on my side again and cry myself to sleep.

vallyk's pov

it's been 4 days since we broke up. i cried for a whole day and i have no more tears. after she broke up with me, i've stayed in my room and haven't moved from my bed other than to use the bathroom.

i start thinking about the day we had our first kiss and being able to hold her and kiss her and love her and i fucked up so i can't anymore. i start crying thinking about it. and here i was thinking i couldn't cry anymore.

incoming facetime from breezo

would you like to answer?

yes | no

"hey," he says as i answer. i'm not in the mood to talk but i didn't wanna be rude.

"hey," i say.

"you okay bro? usually you show your face," he says.

"uh yeah i'm fine. my eye is swollen because i got something in it and i don't feel like showing you that," i lie.

"oh okay. you up for the game?" he asks.

"uh i guess," i say. i finally get out of bed for the first time in 4 days and i walk over to my gaming area and sit down. i keep the camera facing the ceiling and i join the game with kobe.

we play for a while and eventually hang up and then i go lay back down. i turn on my side facing away from the door and just stare at the wall.

"honey, dinners ready," i hear my mom say as she cracks the door to my room open.

"can you bring me it again?" i ask.

"of course, but when i come back up you're gonna tell me what's wrong with you," she says before walking out of the room.

a few minutes later she comes back up and hands me my plate and sits at the end of the bed.

"now what's wrong?" she asks me, "you've been depressed for days."

"my girlfriend dumped me," i confess. i didn't feel like keeping a secret right now because of how heartbroken i was so i just decided to tell the truth.

"girlfriend?" she says.

"yeah, we didn't really tell anyone about us. but mom i really miss her," i say.

"is it that ari girl you always talked about?" she asks and i nod my head.

"well why did she break up with you?" she asks me.

"it was my fault. because of my ex, you know who, it's hard to trust people and she has a lot of guy friends so every time she's with them i get paranoid and i guess i went a little too far. i can't even trust her with her stepbrother, i don't know what's wrong with me," i groan as i lean back on the headboard.

"at least you know what you did wrong. and let her know about your ex girlfriend and maybe it'll help her understand. i'm sure this whole thing hurt her just as much as it hurt you," she reasons and i sigh.

"i didn't even think about the fact that we share a dorm room. that's finna be hella awkward," i say.

"you'll get over it, i'm sure you'll be back together soon," she says.

"i hope," i say before she walks out. i eat my food then eventually go to sleep.

a/n : my head hurts again

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