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(a/n : i'm ready to be done with this book so bare with me)

three years later

saturday, april 9th

vallyk and i are both out of college now and are both 21. we live in an apartment together in los angeles.

i work as a receptionist at a hospital (desk person) and vallyk is focusing on social media and basketball still.

i just got home from work so i walk into our bedroom and take off my shoes.

"hey baby," vallyk says as he walks over to me. he kisses my forehead and then hugs me. i pull away and kiss him.

"are we old enough to have a baby yet?" he asks and i laugh.

"almost," i say and he frowns.

"when is old enough?" he asks.

"after we're married," i say and he smiles.

"okay," he says.

vallyk's pov

ari and had our three year anniversary about a week and a half ago and today i'm planning on proposing.

not just because i want to have a baby, but because we've been together for so long now and i'm ready and i think she is too.

i mean three years is a long time and she keeps hinting to it. like she'll point out different wedding rings that she likes and stuff.

so a couple days ago i bought a ring and tonight i plan on taking her out and proposing to her. i'm extremely nervous but extremely excited.

"hey baby girl imma take you out tonight, okay?" i say.

"where are we going?" she asks me.

"that's a surprise. just wear something cute," i say.

"okay," she says, "when are we leaving?"

ari's pov

"5:30," vallyk says. it's 4 pm so i go to my closet and find something cute to wear. i take out a cropped button up with small purple flowers all over it with some high waisted, light washed jeans.

i look through vallyk's clothes and take one of his windbreakers that's white purple and then i go to the bathroom.

i turn the shower on and then get in the shower. once i get done with that, i wrap my hair to dry it and i do my skin care routine while i wait.

i put my clothes on end then once my hair is dry enough i take it out and then i do my hair routine.

i put on some light makeup along with some air forces and i look at the time and it's 5:24.

"you ready?" vallyk asks me.

"yeah i'm ready," i say.

"okay let's go," he says with a smile on his face. he grabs my hand and we walk down to the car. we get in and he pulls out of the parking lot.

we drive to this cute little restaurant and they seat us out on the back patio. there's fairy lights hung up and vines everywhere, it's really pretty.

"this is so pretty, why haven't we been here before?" i say.

"i only found it yesterday," vallyk says.

"well thank you. the food is amazing too," i say.

"for real, we really should come here more often," he says.

"we should," i say. the waiter comes over to take my cup to refill it. once he comes back, he sets down a piece of paper with my cup. i pick it up and read it out loud.

"here's my number in case you want it," i say and me and vallyk both bust out laughing, earning glares from everyone around us.

a few minutes later, he comes back to refill vallyk's drink and make sure we're okay. when he comes back with his drink, i hand the paper back to him.

"i won't be needing this. i have a boyfriend," i say.

"who?" the waiter asks. didn't think it could be more obvious...

"him obviously," i say as i point to vallyk.

"oh really? he just didn't look like your type. i thought y'all were cousins or something," the waiter says.

"how're you gonna tell me what my type is? you know what i don't even care. all i was tryna do is tell you i'm not interested. okay we're good, you can leave now," i say.

the waiter rolls his eyes and walks off and vallyk laughs.

"maybe we shouldn't keep coming here," he jokes. after we're done eating, we get back in the car.

"okay we have one more stop," he says.

"okay..." i say. we drive for a little bit and then he puts a blindfold on me once we're close so i don't know where we are.

he helps me out of the car and helps me walk over to what feels like a field or an area of grass before taking my blindfold off.

i look over to see that we're standing in front of the hollywood sign and then i look back at vallyk.

"this is the place where we hung out for the first time when we met in person and also where i first asked you to be my girlfriend," he says and make the 🥺 face. this is too cute.

"i just wanted to come here and watch the stars with you," he says and i smile. he lays out a blanket then grabs my hand and sits down, pulling me down with him.

"can you believe we've been together for three years?" he asks.

"i know. it feels so unreal. i would never want it any other way though," i say.

"me either," he says, "which leads on to what i have to say next."

i watch him as he re-situates himself to where he's in front of me.

"we've been together for three years now and they have been the best three years of my life. which i why i hope there is more to come. you're literally the best thing to ever happen to me and i still can't believe i found you. i truly believe you are my soulmate, and i want to spend my forever with, ariana, will you marry me?" he says as he gets on one knee and pulls out a ring.

i cover my mouth with my hands and my eyes water as i look back and forth between the ring and vallyk.

"yes! yes of course i'll marry you!" i say. he slips the ring on my finger and then wraps his arms around my waist and i wrap mine around his neck and kiss him.

he pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"i love you so much," he says.

"i love you more," i say before kissing him again.

the end

a/n : that's the end of the book :) lmk how it was and go check out my new book that i just published .

it's called "off limits || slimedupmike" , check my account

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