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the next day i wake up to my phone dinging over and over again. i look at the time and it's 10 yet i'm the only one awake.

new notification : 12 new imessages from vallyk 🥺

would you like to open messages?

yes | no

would you like to open a chat with vallyk 🥺?

yes | no

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺

vallyk 🥺
good morning

vallyk 🥺
i wish i could say good morning in person

vallyk 🥺
hopefully i can soon

vallyk 🥺
how did your day go yesterday

vallyk 🥺
wait i'm probably annoying you

vallyk 🥺

angel 🤩
no wait i'm here

angel 🤩
and i totally forgot to tell you about yesterday, i'm so sorry

vallyk 🥺
it's okay, i promise. did i wake you up ?

angel 🤩
yeah but it's 10 anyways so i need to be up

vallyk 🥺
at first i was just messing around but then i kept saying stuff and thinking of something else after i sent the text

angel 🤩
it's okay bub. i do that all the time. plus i like it when you spam me

vallyk 🥺
i do it a lot tho , it probably gets annoying

angel 🤩
you could never annoy me

vallyk 🥺
🥺 how'd your birthday go tho

angel 🤩
it went really well. i spent the day with my parents and my friends. we ate lunch then went to the beach then had a movie night.

vallyk 🥺
that sounds like so much fun! did you get to see kobe ?

angel 🤩
yeah how'd you know he was here ?

vallyk 🥺
bc he texted me and was making sure you lived in massachusetts bc he wanted to surprise you

angel 🤩
so you knew before me

vallyk 🥺
yeah but i'm glad you had a good day

angel 🤩
it would've been better if you were here 🥺

vallyk 🥺
i wish i was there too :( soon, angel, very soon

angel 🤩
good i can't wait :)

vallyk 🥺
me either. i gotta go for now, but do you wanna ft later ?

angel 🤩

angel *vallyk pena*Where stories live. Discover now