
787 28 13

saturday, march 21

i wake up to see that vallyk's not even in the room. i check the time and it's 9:30 so i just lay back down and wait for him to get back.

after a few minutes, the door opens back up and he walks in with two plates of food.

"here you go. i thought you might be hungry when you woke up," he says.

"aww thank youu," i say.

"you're welcome," he says with a smile. we sit down at the table and eat and when we're done, we decide to go sit on the balcony.

"i can't wait until we're at the bahamas," i say and vallyk laughs.

"same," he says.

idk how cruises work and ion have any ideas , so skip to when they're in the bahamas.

we finally are at the beach so me and vallyk get our swimsuits and cover clothes on and get off of the cruise ship.

(a/n : again , idk how this shit works)

we lay out towels and set up an umbrella for shade and take out some food to eat for lunch.

once we're done eating, we chill for a little bit and i lay out for a little and then vallyk decides he wants to get in the water.

"come get in the water with meee," vallyk says.

"i wanna lay out a little longer," i say.

"come on ari, pleaseee. ion wanna go by myself," he says.

"fine," i say. i get up and he grabs my hand and pulls me to the water. even though it's a million degrees out here, the water is freezing so i walk in very slowly.

"come on ari it's not even that cold," he says.

"yes it isss," i say.

"come on," he says. he grabs my hand to pull me farther in, but i don't move and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"okay fine. i'll go slow with you," he says and i laugh. we walk in slowly until the water gets a little above my bellybutton and i get used to the temperature.

"see it's not even cold," he says.

"yeah yeah," i say.

(a/n : singing challenge 🌚)

he starts messing around with me, splashing me and shit so i do the same with him and we're just laughing having a good time.

he stops splashing me and wraps his arms around my waist so i wrap my arms around his neck.

"i've missed this, angel," he says. aww i miss whenever he called me that.

"i missed it too," i say.

"so...i was wondering if you wanna be my girlfriend?" he says and i smile.

"i was wondering when you were finally gonna ask me that," i say.

"so that's a yes?" he asks.

"yeah," i say and he kisses me. he lifts me up by my thighs and holds me as he keeps our lips connected.

"i'm glad i have you back angel," he says.

"me too," i say and i kiss him again.

"i love you," he says.

"i love you more," i say. i kiss him again before getting down and we mess around a little longer before going back to shore.

"is this why you wanted to go on a cruise? so you could ask me out in a pretty place?" i ask.

"partially.. and just because i wanted to," he says.

"well i'm not complaining. anyways, wanna take some pictures? not for instagram, but just for us?" i ask.

"sure," he says we get up and ask a random girl to take pictures for us. once we take them, we get all of our stuff and get back on the boat so that we can take showers.

once we shower, i lay on the bed, and he lays on my stomach on his stomach. he's not laying directly on me but kinda half on me.

"lowkey wanna make those pregnancy rumors come true," he says and i hit him in the back of his head lightly.

"i was just joking," he laughs, "sorta."

"maybe when we're older," i say.

"okay we're older now," he says and i roll my eyes playfully.

"you know what i mean," i say.

"i know, i'm just playing. sorta," he says.

"you wanna go live again?" i ask.

"they're gonna ask about the pregnant thing again," he says.

"oh well," i say. i get my phone and we both sit it front of the camera and i go live on tiktok.

people start joining and a bunch of comments immediately start saying ship and and stuff about the rumor.

"y'all i am not pregnant, for the last time," i say.

"here," i say. i show them my recent pictures of me on the beach and i make sure not to show the ones with vallyk.

"i have no bump," i say, "plus i'm on my period right now. i'm not pregnant."

"so that's why you've been so moody," vallyk jokes and i hit his arm with the back of my hand.

"anyways. i'm bored. ask us questions," i say.

"when are y'all gonna get together? okay different questions," i say.

"when are you gonna be with kairi and lillian again? i will see them in a week and a half," i say. since lillian does school online, she's gonna come to la with us for like a week before going back home. that way we can spend more time with each other.

"you, jay, and lillian needa go on a best friend vacation. hopefully we will soon," i say.

"or you and vallyk, kai and lillian, and jay and sora can go on a triple date vacation. ari and i are not together but that still sounds fun," vallyk says.

"actually yeah it does," i say, "maybe this summer."

"what's college like? honestly it's stressful in my opinion but it's fun and i've made a lot of new friends," i say.

"what're the professors like? most of them are nice but there are a few mean ones," vallyk says.

we keep reading questions and answering them for a while before ending the live, getting dinner, watching a movie, then going to bed.

a/n : why are the kisses on on my block so aggressive , i- 😭

anyways i'm watching teen wolf now

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