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i wake up the next morning and immediately get out of bed ready to see vallyk again. i go to my suitcase and pull out some leggings and a crop top and change into them. kairi's asleep so he doesn't see.

once i'm dressed, i go to the bathroom and start doing my morning routine. once i'm done with that i go back in the bedroom and lay back down.

kai is still asleep even though it's 11. i guess that makes sense though because it would only actually be 8 for us but i want to see vallyk.

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angel 🤩
good morning bub

vallyk 🥺
good morning angel

angel 🤩
i wanna hang out today

angel 🤩
my dad and rachel were thinking abt taking us to see the hollywood sign , you could come with

vallyk 🥺
yeah what time ?

angel 🤩

vallyk 🥺
alright i'll be there :)

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"you're texting vallyk again," kairi says. i jump from hearing his voice because i didn't know he woke up.

"you scared me. and how'd you know?" i say.

"sorry and because you're smiling and blushing," he says.

"i hate you," i say.

"geez love you too," he laughs and i laugh too.

"get ready so we can go. i'm ready to see vallyk again," i say.

"is he going with us to see the sign?" he asks.

"yeah," i say.

"you know you're gonna have to tell him how you feel eventually," he says.

"nope i'll hide it forever," i say.

"no you won't. you know you won't," he says as he gets out of his bed.

"okay but i'm gonna hide it for now," i say.

"whatever," he says. i turn over to where i'm facing away from him and he gets dressed and then goes to the bathroom and does his morning routine.

i go out of our room and to the kitchen. but you have to go through the living room to get to the kitchen.

i walk through the living room and didn't notice mateo sitting on the couch.

"good morning," he says. i jump and accidentally hit my foot on the wall.

"shit," i say as i grab my foot.

"sorry i didn't mean to scare you," he laughs.

"it's fine," i say. i walk to the kitchen and get myself some water before going back to the bedroom.

angel *vallyk pena*Where stories live. Discover now