Planning / Ch. 2

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Still Tommy POV

    I quickly placed my coat over my freezing body. Giving myself a few seconds to adjust. I never thought it would be this difficult to live in a snowy area even if I'm with my family. How does techno even do it? My issues aren't minor but still, The trees are all strange and there's not much cobblestone to mine.

   Tubbo would've picked a place with lots of cobblestone and lots of bees. Cant dwell on the past though am I right? I then reached into my pocket to pull something out. This something was a shiny gold color with a label attached to the top. It had clear meaning to me symbolized by its clean, shiny, surface.

    It's name was "Your Tubbo". "your Tubbo" was a compass that Wilbur gifted to me in order to help me through exile. Now it's just a trinket I hold onto but it used to mean so much more. I could stare at it for hours and it'd immediately create a warmth around me. I wouldn't have needed techno's old robe if it still held it's value but that isn't the case.

    I walked down the Icey hills towards the house we now shared as a family. The light additions that techno had added recently to push away monsters hurting my eyes with every look. As I continued closer I could feel as my feet sunk down into the cold, white, snow. That's before I suddenly paused.

   Looking up ahead I could see one thing that confused me more than Tubbo and his actions. It was Dream. The green shrek looking creature that just had to encourage the betrayal tubbo chose. I knew he was looking for me but how did he know to check here? After my conversation yesterday about Tubbo I knew I needed to listen in. What was dream saying?
   I continued towards the area, chugging a potion as I went down. There he was, just a few feet away, talking to my family.

D: "I think I finally know my favor Techno."

T: "What do you want. Dream I'm a man of my word. Just spit it out."

D: "Tommy, and his items. All before he gets back."

T: "whose Tommy?"

D: "don't play dumb with me."

  His voice rose so fast I could only get memories of the spirit incident. My breath picked up it's pace and I knew my choices easy. I could leave or listen. Who am I kidding of course I was going to listen.

T: "why do you need him anyways?"

D: "Fine, if you have to know I plan on showing him respect. Tommy will return to his exile and I, his only friend, will watch him.

  Technos face from what I could see scrunched. He moved his mask slightly just to a point where his right eye was clear. The anger inside him was boiling until it finally overflowed the pot.

T: "get out of my house,"

D: "Techno you said"

T: "maybe next time don't come in uninvited."

D: "Give me Tommy or I will kill him and his dreams."

T: "you won't be touching Tommy. Now get the hell out of my house."

Dream exited with caution. Holding his mask closer to his face he turned and said one last thing,

D: "I will have Tommy, Techno. mark my words."

And with that he left. Leaving me to confusion and techno to pure anger. Who even told that I was here? My brothers wouldn't betray me, Phil wouldn't either, surely they would lie. Or maybe they wouldn't.

I've annoyed techno from dat one. If I don't prove useful he might get rid of me. I could end up like Theseus, just as said before. It's this or death though. Both paths are risky but revenge is better than nothing.

Maybe it's time I let go...

(Lol he takes the compass back out of his pocket)

To: "Techno, want to come with to the nether?"

T: "Tommy, are we getting something useful?"

To: "it will be useful?"

T: "k let's go."

I stepped up to the portal whilst techno waved out to Ghostbur. Immediately I walked to the lava. My face heated up and begun to feel the pain caused by getting to close. Slipping the compass out of my hand it fell straight into the lava. It started to burn slowly until it sunk too low for me to see it any longer.

T: "How does it feel Tommy? You've finally let go of it?"

To: "it feels fucking great."

Author note; aye birthday on the 27th. I'm a December bish. My dad has a bday same as quackity so like come bros gimme your bday. Art by GodCatKai insta) Screw it I'm uploading now so I don't have to waste time tmrw

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