Ch. 37

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Tommy pov

     I awoke to hand lightly stroking my hair. (Sorry guys but history always, and I mean always repeats itself) This hand was gentle, caring, or that's what I thought atleast.

B: "oh Tommy! You've awakened!"

    The joyful voice sent me backwards. My relaxed composure was now disrupted by the one needle in a haystack that managed to hide in plain sight.

B: "your hair is really beautiful you know?"

     He continued to stroke my hair over and over. His Psychotic motions made me shiver. Clearly uncomfortable, I attempted to move sideways but he immediately pulled me back.

B: "I'm happy to see your ok, you had me worried when you were taking your sweet time waking up!"

     I looked around the room to see it had changed. Red vines hung across the top, each one unique.

B: "Ant, I told you, he isn't ready for the egg yet. Keep it out."

     A high pitch screech interrupted my light concentration. It was speaking somehow but I couldn't figure out it's direct wordings. As it continued I clasped my hands over my ears, eliminating any sign of the sound but it resided as a melody.

B: "shhh Tommy, it's ok, embrace the egg. The egg is good."

     He placed his hands over mine and pulled them away, allowing the screech to ring inside my head.

T: "please"

      Bad looked down on me, clearly confused I'd spoken. He's seemed to have expected utter silence from me.

T: "make it stop."

     Shock covered his face before his placed his own hands around my ears. The noise was now completely cut off allowing me to calm myself.

T: "h-how did you g-get here?"

     I hicked. Tears begun to stream my face but now that was no surprise. The once astounding warrior tommyinnit was now a helpless child in need of savior.

B: "I followed my intuition"

   He sighed and removed his hands from my ears. They were relocated to my face where he then wiped my tears away. The salty substance had already burned my face in red and torture but he had taken time anyways.

B: "there's no need to be afraid of the egg and I."

     His voice taunted me. Each word sent me deeper into my state of horror and absolute fear.

Author note: my apologies, unfinished chapter Ik buttttt I have a test tmrw that determine if I fail or don't fail my writing course so I need to go work on that. See you all tmrw

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