What About It / Ch.26

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Chapter is starting where the last left off btw)

    I sobbed into technos shoulder just as if done to dream. My begs and you pleads continued along with it but it was no use. Each time I tried to separate us in order to leave he would grab my arm and plant me back into the bed.

Tommy: "please take me outside in the least techno!"

Techno swung his pink hair over his shoulder, shaking his head in a no formation.

Techno: "Dream thinks your dead and I'd like to keep it that way,"

Tommy: "who are you to decide how things are? Your dictating my life techno, kinda like a government ngl."

His icey glare pierced my soul as he sighed.

Techno: "fine, cmon."

He extended his hand towards be which I graciously accepted. Hand in hand, we walked towards the ladder leading upstairs.

Tommy: "help me climb it pls."

Techno realized my situation after choosing a ladder?

Techno: "uh ok Theseus."

You could hear the joke in his voice. Though he did help me I don't believe he wanted to. The voices were most likely asking him to let me suffer and or fall. Luckily he can resist them. I wish I were the same.

Without warning he nudged my shoulder causing a shake in my thoughts. I tilted my head in question but was met by an frosty breeze spiking my face. The outside was covered in frosty white, each falling flake shining with different shapes and most likely stories.

No matter how each flake came to form, it would fit in. It would fall, and be one with the rest of the flakes. I wish I could live like that. Still I admired the area around me. Lifting a jacket from the ground seemed wise but also seemed pointless. You have to take in the sight when you see it if you know what I mean. You can wait but the biome may change or better yet, the weather.

Techno: "your certainly happy, it's just snow tommy. You act like you haven't had a time to see the outdoors freely in months."

Tommy: "that's because I haven't,"

I muttered beneath my breath. He caught the phrase but choice silence. I guess you could say he woke up this morning and chose peace? Heh he would kill me if he knew I thought this stuff.

Now into the real issue, techno looks like some kind of god when he's put in the snow. The way the snow just melts off his hair creating a smooth, liquid shine is just immaculate. It's impressive how the hair even moves with its newfound dampness yet it does. Thoughts can help but in this case provide no answer. What I'd give to know where he gets that cape though, it's just sad.

The velvet color draped around his shoulders gives me comfort. I've only worn it a handful of times like when tubbo and I stole his clothing but it's just one of those things you want. You never need it but you can't stop wanting it. Soon the urge is so much you just take it, that's what I did just now.

I grasped the cape around him, pulling over myself. The winds force attempted to capture the cape, pulling me slightly back, but I forcefully wrapped it around me. Letting all of the white fur cover my freezing neck.

Technos eyes turned towards be about to ask why I'd taken his cape but I just sighed,

Tommy: "Warm"

      His face of question melted into a few chuckles before my time outside had come to an end. He placed his calloused hand onto my shoulder, slightly dragging me back into the house. Without much testimony, I submitted to the request and return to the house.

    Let's change the subject now. So there are a couple of options I have here. I can return to dream, stay here, or escape. The escape option sounds more exciting so natural selection at its finest? my escape plan needs to be unpredictable, something nobody would suspect, and I know just the thing for that.

Tommy: "techno, I have to ask a favor,"

      He perked his head up and tilted it sideways.

Tommy: "Dream kinda ruined my chat, could you fix it?"

     I swiped right showing the ruined chat but it appeared as fine.

Tommy: "huh?"

Techno: "we fixed it earlier, your welcome."

      He waved his hand at me, slowly exiting the room. As he finally reached the end a sign flipped, Tommy is with people. The fact that it was towards me meant the other side showed I was alone. Great.

     Now the plan. Here are the steps to my plan,

1. Contact Dream

2.  Plan a route

3. Get Dream to get me by "accidentally tipping my cords to him instead of Ranboo

4.  Injure my left eye as reason for step 3

5. Use the commotion Dream will cause to run

6. If 5 doesn't work, bring a dagger for when Dream has you

      And that's my set of action. Dream vs techno is a duel that refuses others. They would never let anyone else fight so it's perfect for an escape.the thing is, while I do love my family, they are restraining me.

    I never planned on committing suicide straight away, that was a hoax. Still part of my plan. Now I can easily reach tubbo, and once I reach tubbo, I'm going to kill him.

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