Ch. 36

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S: "why would you hide such beautiful things Tommy?"

I shifted within my covers a bit before replying.

T: "Phil I guess. He always favored one of us and that one was never me. I got them when I was around 7? He didn't even acknowledge me when I tried to tell him. Told him so many times it was urgent but he never listened so I never told him. He just didn't have any time for me to tell him I guess."

Sam let a sympathetic look engulf him as he sulked infront of my bedside. I was finally able to do it. I was beguiling (tricking) Sam perfectly.

S: "that's cool and all Tommy but what do your wings have to do with this?"

     I sighed before replying a much dreadful spelt,

T: "it has to do with I could just you know, fly??? I don't need anything besides my wings! I can leave!"

Sam tried to resist but turned to me with a sullen look.

S: "I don't think that'll work unfortunately, the badlands would probably cut them off,"

I narrowed my eyes,

T: "c-cut them?"

My voice shook but replied with ease.

S: " Tommy they aren't the same. I think your wings are beautiful but-"

T: "there are no buts Sam! This is my best option!"

Sams head shook back and forth before he kneeled down to my height. His arms stretched around me for a warm embrace.

S: "this stands to be quite the quagmire, (difficult situation)"

T: "I'd have to agree in that sense,"

     The rooms tension fell slowly but surely. Sam released his arms from the former embrace allowing me to fold my wings back into my back.

S: "Tommy I'm truly sorry but I want to do what's best. Maybe it's time you surrender ok? Let someone help you. You have quite the cupidity for independence. (Greed, strong desire) And Tommy, that's good. Sometimes you have too much of that strength though."

    His voice cradled me, delicately holding me so I didn't collapse into my casual ball of sorrow. He had shown so much care towards my feelings with that. Maybe for once I'll allow myself to settle. Not forever, just for now.

T: "Your exorbitant (excessive) group of speeches have made me quite tired actually."

    I assume that even with little evidence, Sam can figure out my plans. They have no detail and lack originality. Sam is wise aswell. I have no doubt that he knows any trick I'd play.

S: "Tommy, you don't need to feel pressured into
Accepting all this. Sometimes it's better to let it sink in before you fully accept it."

T: "trust me Sam, Dream destroyed me, abased me with no remorse. (humiliate or degrade :) I know id be better off willingly agreeing with you."

He chuckled with a happy tone before widening his eyes. Something in his pocket was flashing colors quickly red and blue.

S: "I have to go, PUFFY! WATCH TOMMY!"

I watched as he checked and spoke slightly into his device,


His chuckle had faded into a look of pure terror. I wanted to know more but I suddenly begun to experience a feeling of lassitude. (Diminished energy) I rose my hand trying to motion for him but using my wings was too much strain. Besides the flash, I thought of nothing as I drifted off into my usual sleep.


We've got the Apple. Tommy will be healed up and we can help him in any way he needs now.
P/ Phil T/Techno R/Ranboo

P: "do you think he'll appreciate it? Or be angry still,"

T: "I think he will be grateful Phil, you are his father after all. Just because I have some pig hybrid crap going and you've got wings doesn't mean Tommy and will are irrelevant. All it means is our family is different."

A smile covered my face though today was not be as propitious as I'd hoped for. (Favorable)

We soon approached our home. Unlike we'd wanted, we were met by Ranboo.

R: "I'd like to expiate my actions. (Make amends for)"

I looked towards him with great confusion.

T: "Ranboo, where is Tommy?"

He shook is head multiple times grasping his hair. He stretched it upwards trying to defy something but I couldn't find what it was. Techno noticed and searched, his feet sped up as he reached the penultimate room. (Next to last)

T: "he isn't here is he? Phil he isn't here!"

Technos stress showed. His worry for his brother had no end as he paced the room scolding Ranboo.

T: "I find it hard to believe he just walked out of here! Ranboo what did YOU DO?"

I found it cloying how all Ranboo could do what reply in small compliments. (Sickeningly sweet)

R: "I don't remember but you look great techno!"

P: "Ranboo you seem to be missing the point, he will die if he isn't in good care!"

Ranboo begun to cry. His child mind couldn't take much more and he absconded to the next room. (Sneak away and hide)

P: "techno we need to find him, NOW."

Unlike most times when techno would refuse to display a modicum of care, he now was in the verge of tears as well. (Small amount)

T: "Phil, I saw the rancor in Tommy's eyes. He wouldn't come back. HE WONT COME BACK!"

A gentle breeze blew into the room as techno now stood still in silence.

T: "I apologize for my outburst."

He spoke but allowed his voice to trail away. It lightened itself while he just remained sorrowful.

P: "I get it, your just worried."

His body turned towards me and pulled me in for an embrace. Surprisingly it was him hugging me for once. My son had grown up, maybe Tommy disappearing for a couple seconds isn't bad.


My eyes widened. An item in all of our pockets begun flashing. I take that back I know this is bad.

T: "Phil, what is this?"

Techno spike, shakily pulling the device from his cape.

P: "lmanburg. He went to its ruins most likely. We will find Tommy right away"

T: "PHil hold on! What does it mean?"

I paused and allowed myself to piece my personality together once again.

P: "it means he's escaped."

Techno paused in shock.

P: "that's right. He's out of prison."

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