The festival / Ch. 16

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   I slowly awoke to see myself surrounded. They stood to my side a whole group of people I'd lost since exile. I felt fulfilled to see them yet they didn't look the same towards me?

Niki: "Tommy I can't believe you blew up the community house!"

Quackity: "Honestly this time you've gone way too far!"

    Nothing made sense anymore. I looked up to make eye contact with Tubbo. His eyes looked full of anger yet despaired in its lightest touch. He held his anger in yet you could feel heat rise around him.

Tommy: "why are you all blaming me for community house or something? What is going on?"

   It all went silent when techno approached me. He looked down on me with pity and disrespect. Holding his sword he continued until he stood right before me.

Techno: "I can't believe I trusted you not to betray me."

    He held his axe up and attempted to swing it towards me yet something blocked him back. The barrier blocks Dream placed.

Tommy: "why did you just..?"

    My eyes watered like clouds readying themselves to rain. I had been missing so why had I been yelled at.

Tubbo: "Tommy we were like a family. You were my best friend. And now lmanburg is gone because of you."

    I glanced out towards the area lmanburg once stood while tubbos words sunk in. They reached rock bottom the second I saw it all. Craters glazed the ground with bunches of obsidian scattered everywhere.

Tommy: "I did this?"

My voice was raspy but could be understood clearly. I clenched my heart as the Devastating truth settled. How could this have been my fault?

The looks everyone had given me were yet to cease. Each person stared with disappointment.

Tubbo: "I even mourned you! I thought you died!"

Tubbo dropped to the grass. He was sobbing clearly now without any attempt to cover it up. All this confusion had distracted me from my head, it was throbbing.

Every time my heart heated so did my head, Dream set an enderpearl timer so I'd be fine soon right? I'm unsure I can trust him at this rate.

Fundy: "Tommy I just want to know why?"

I lifted my head to make contact with fundy. He showed no looks of remorse towards me and looked like he could kill me. What could I even tell him in order to ease his pain? Am I meant to lie just to help? I was the one who was in need of help and why couldnt they see that.

Fundy: "Fine, guess you'll just have to tell us at dawn when the barrier breaks."

A slow fear spiked its way into me. I'm going to die not only to my friends but to Lmanburg. I knew Lmanburg was terrible but it came to this? And techno, he was siding with them just like that?

Tommy: "Why are you helping them techno? Don't you like anarchy?"

Technos blood red eyes glared down on me before he let out an exasperated sigh. He let his ace lean on his shoulder before delivering his reply,

Techno: "Listen, we aren't killing you we just want to know why in gods name you betrayed us all, none of us care about your question so stop asking them."

I was filled with anger. Each look I got just fueled me more and more, I wish I'd destroyed lmanburg, I wish It was all me. I wanted that credit so I could be the reason they suffered. My revenge....

Tommy: "I didn't touch the fucking community house."

Ranboo: "and now your lying?!?!? I helped you destroy it!"

Tommy: "Ranboo I haven't seen you in weeks! How was I meant to greif the community house without my fingers being able to grab the freaking axe? Or without being able to stand on my own?"

At least half of them stood still as confusion breathed down their necks leading those minor details to the surface.

Niki: "what do you mean by that?"

I slowly moved from my position making my casted leg visible. Next I held my hand which was wrapped evidently towards them.

Tommy: "ask bad, he wrapped by leg maybe 2 weeks ago and my hand around 3 days ago."

At that moment a loud shout came from the back. they ran forward towards me at a sprinting pace letting me remember my heads pain for just a second.

Skeppy: "Where is bad then Tommy? None of us have seen him?"

Tommy: "how the fuck would I know? I'm bedridden cause I also have a concussion. I'm pretty injured Skeppy."

Niki crossed her arms and begun circled the box of barrier blocks confining me. She was almost checking for something.

Niki: it all checks out, id say more of 3 weeks Tommy but god knows where you've been. As for the concussion it could explain his confusion with the current situation. Amnesia is a thing-

Tommy: "I DONT HAVE FUCKING AMNESIA! I wasn't around so I don't know! I've been with Dream for the past 2/3 weeks. Why would I have any idea what you people are doing."

Tubbo was now standing once again. He was taller than me when he stood for I didn't have crutches I could use to make us level height. He sighed before looking at quackity.

Tubbo: "what do you suggest we do?"

Quackity hesitated before looking straight at me.

Quackity: "we execute traitors. I don't case if he is an amnesiac, traitors have no place here."

Just then it all crashed infront of me. My barrier blocks protecting me fell. I glanced up to see the suns bright light reflect into the broken eyes of Tubbo, leaving nothing but his face to be seen. I was doomed.

Tubbo: "Phil, you do the honors. He needs someone he trusts to do it."

I'm going to die without knowing what I did? Without thinking I finally said it.

Tommy: "all of you fucking idiots call this a country? Tubbo you don't run a thing here. None of this is yours, NONE OF IT! So congrats Tubbo, Wilbur only tells the truth because now you are truly president of NOTHING BUT A CRATER? Your all insane. Lmanburg had always been gone since we let you all involve yourselves. I don't mind dying to Phil but I'll let you know, Dream was more of a family than you ever were."

(There's your merge piece)

Everyone just looked at me but Phil took no hesitation. He grabbed the axe from Techno without a second thought and held it up.

Phil: "I'm sorry son,"

Tommy: "No, your not."

He swung it down and my eyes slammed shut but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to a room. My room that Dream made? And was that Dream sitting beside me?

Dream: "how was the festival Tommy?"

My friends tried to kill me? How does he thing. Without a thought I lunged forwards towards dream.
I hugged him tightly just as I'd hugged my brothers in the past.

I could see the light smile dream had as he wrapped his hands around me telling me it was ok. He then carried me to my bed and placed me down there.

Dream: "it's alright Tommy, I'll never let them hurt you."

AUTHOR NOTE: I'm sorry this is super short, I have a test and my writing comp in a few days. I need to practice bc I'm not doing to hot lolz, if anyone wants it I'll publish the piece I wrote for practice but it's like 2000 words. Anyways see ya, any story ideas you want? I was planning to finally tie sleep bois back into the main plot 😩

Place Suggs here if y'all got em. Also yes, Dream is keeping Tommy with him for longer than 2 chapters more. 

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