Suggestive / Ch. 18

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(Ok so if you've broken a bone you know there's a point when it's now a brace? That's now. Tommy is basically healed so no he is not over injured noobs)

D: "Tommy I trusted you,"

I tried to step back but fell on to the ground. Dream was approaching me and I laid powerless in defense. He stared at me as he bent down to take the crutches I'd used many times before. Was he going to hurt me.

He held his hand up but I raised mine in defense. It was now a reflex to hide myself within my arms and I knew that wasn't a good sign.

Tommy: "Please don't hurt me!"

I cried out it without thinking. Tears streamed my face without any chance of stopping soon. Yet unlike most times, this wasn't enough.

His hand grasped into mine as he pulled me up. I had three minutes until techno would come, why couldn't he just yell at me for that time?

Dream then dragged me by the arm to his horse. I could feel rocks scrape my knees and the dirt cling onto the clothes I barely changed. His grip then tightened as he threw me over the side on to the saddle.

I struggled against him trying to fall off the horse but it was to no avail. He grabbed my hand once again and squeezed it until it let out a crack. With the crack shot a pain through my arm, reminding me this never ending cycle would just bring me more injuries.

But there was no turning back. I swung my leg trying to hit dream but he caught it with his bare hand. It was my casted foot as well.

His plain strength was enough to destroy my courage yet I knew I had to escape it or stall in the least. He saw through me though with no effort. No hesitation was required for him to grab my other arm and squeeze just as tightly.

I looked to see the blood dropped down the area and that was enough for me to be out cold.

(The moment you've all been waiting for..... TECHNO POV!!! Ik it's unreal but I'm serious guys, it's not Tommy POV?)

I was too late. By the time I arrived all that was left was trails from dreams horse and Tommy's broken crutches. The house wasn't giant as he said it was but something about it was comforting.

Dream seemed to try and keep Tommy safe but it wasn't for any good reason. This is why governments suck. They always jump to conclusions and how Tommy is in danger.

But there's nothing to do now. I need to see inside. I grasped the metal door handle and swung it open. Green pillows graced the room with neon colors scattered everywhere.

A staircase with marks indented into it was in sight and I knew what it was. I took the railing of wood and slowly descended a floor down. Each step creaked with eerie color to accompany it.

These steps looked like they could go all the way down to y-7, who knew I was right? As the bottom was in view I was introduced to three rooms. One was a kitchen, one a bathroom, and the last a bedroom.

I walked towards the bedroom to see something I wish I could erase. The corner had a blood stain which I assumed was from that concussion he had gotten. There was also the picture of Tubbo I could see. Was this solely for torture?

Lastly there was a glass with a pill. At first glance it looked normal but if anyone knew drugs it was me. They were for calming nerves, their purpose was for sleeping. Dream most likely knew Tommy wouldn't sleep so he was being thoughtful?

More things support that but why is there a drawing of the two together, almost like Brothers. No matter how you see this they look like brothers and i can't stand that. Tommy is my brother so why has dream done this?

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