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    I awoke to a bright light shining onto my face. The room id fallen asleep in lay quiet but not empty. The chair across from me where techno had been previously now had a sleeping Ranboo coated in blankets.

     I attempted to swing my legs over the bed and walk over to the kitchen but they felt heavy. Even with the most force I could add there was no movement on the other end.

      The amount of force I used pulled me over the side. I fell straight to the ground hitting it harshly. Every bone I had burned at this attack. The once immobile leg now stung over and over repeatedly.

     My light bit of consciousness chose the best option, I'd wake up Ranboo.


     I groaned. My mind centered into the task at hand yet I couldn't focus a bit. Ranboo shifted slightly under his blanket before shaking awake.

"Uh um are you erm going to get up?"

     My stare grasped ranboos full attention before his face lit up with regret and shock.


    mental state was unimportant when it came to Ranboo for he couldn't remember a single thing. He quickly got up and placed his hands under my shoulders.

    I felt a bit of air between me before I soon felt the couches soft texture again.

"Where is everyone?"

    Ranboo looked at me before sighing,

"They are getting gapples for you. If they can get an enchanted one, they might be able to minimize your legs time to 2 weeks."

"What was it initially?"

     He looked at me with a bit of urgency before realizing he had no choice.

"Around 6 months,"

     Adrenaline filled my veins before I grasped the couches side hard as I could.

"What is so bad about my leg that makes it take that long?"

     His sympathetic look faded away as he turned towards the kitchen.

"Well the prior damage decreased your legs normal durability. It went worse and that affected the healing time."

     I could hear the small clanking of ranboos cooking but I distanced myself from the sound.

"Do you mind?"

     I sat up looking at Ranboo.


     He responded. Extending his hand towards me he held out a plate. The plate was heated with a small egg on top.

"I did my best but Phil hasn't taught me close to enough for this."

      I allowed a chuckle to escape my mouth before taking the plate. He passed me a plastic spoon with a smile motioning me to eat.

      The eggs yolk dropped from the spoon as I heightened it towards my mouth. I tasted the egg and allowed it's warmth to consume my tastebuds.

"This is actually quite good Ranboob good sir."

      He smiled widely and looked straight at me, passing a new warm blanket over me. 

"I'm glad you like it!"

      The hard work he spent on it was evident so I felt happy knowing I made him feel better.

     Suddenly I felt a strange feeling in my throat. I was slightly choking.


     I spoke in vain. He rushed back over to me attempting to help but when I spat it out all that came was a red bit of egg.

"W-what is that?"

    Was that the blood vine?

"Tommy, I think that's the you know, blood vine, the egg."


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