I Could Never / Ch. 24

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Tommy POV:

It's been three days. Ranboo gave me a book which is where I've been writing a couple thoughts. One of suicide you could say.

The entry : Today was a normal, I walked around the basement I used to live in and that was it. Well about it. They said when Dream dies I can leave but what will I do then? I'd assume just coexist with everyone who left me alone? No.
So I've been thinking. When I'm out I want to die. There's so much trauma everywhere for me that i just never feel safe. Besides that, I have nothing left. Dream has my discs and if he dies I can't get them back.
I'm just so pointless, so irrelevant. The day I get out I'm going to get far away. Well if you count lmanburg far that is. When I arrive I will stand at the edge of the crater and fall. The crater full of my ruined home.
That's all for now.

Slowly I watched my book disappear from my hands and into another's. The person held it up with a face of confusion. They seemed perplexed.

Techno: "Tommy, who gave you a book?"

My face went white. Would they still let me out if techno read my plans.

Tommy: "eh Ranboo? Now could I have that back please?"

Techno: "Your hurting yourself more by writing with injured arms."

He responded. His hand skimmed the books pages allowing himself to stop on a certain one. I couldn't place what it said but I could watch as his face grew white as mine.

Techno: "Tommy, what is this?"

He turned the book so I could see it. The words frosted my eyes with tears as I read "I'm just so pointless, so irrelevant."

I opened my mouth to respond but he grabbed me without letting giving it a second thought. Could I not have a single secret without them finding out?

Still he pulled me up the stairs towards a room. The door swung open revealing a working Philza and a building Ranboo.

Techno: "Ranboo, thank you so much for giving him this book."

Ranboo: "huh? Uh your welcome I guess?"

Philza: "wait what?"

Techno pushed me forward, Making sure I was positioned near Phil. In a way I probably couldn't leave.

Techno: "Look at this Phil! Look what dream did to him!"

Within seconds Philzas eyes widened. He grabbed me from my position pulling me in for a hug. I struggled away but he refused to let go. He wasn't hugging me for hugs sake, it was so I didn't sprint out of that room.

Philza: "Ranboo, go with Techno and hide any sharp things. Tommy can be supervised by one of us at all times and for now it's me."

I sighed before speaking up,

Tommy: "this is stupid. I said after so let me do what the hell I want until then."

Techno: "are you an idiot or just plain stupid? Now that we all know we obviously aren't going to let you do that when you leave. You could try and die before then if we weren't supervising you!"

Tommy: "I wholeheartedly disagree. Hands are required for most of those things and I do t have access to those."

Techno glared at me before exiting a room with Ranboo beside him. Phil the hesitantly let me out of his grasp. His deep blue eyes filled a pool of emotions that resided inside of me.

Philza: "Tommy please, we can help you. Just don't be rash. Don't do things like this please. Being dramatic isn't a good solution."

Tommy: "did you just call me dramatic?"

My voice rose,

Tommy: "I've broken my leg, had 2 separate concussions, been manipulated, shattered my fingers, and broken my arms as a slight treat on the side. Ive also had the joy of being locked up inside a room and then being forced to kill someone. If you want to shout dramatic at me I want to know what's serious!"

I breathed out letting tears fall down my face. Philza tried to hug me once again but I flinched back.

Tommy: "none of you care about me a bit. YOUR ALL JUST LIKE DREAM!"

Philza stepped back from me.


It took seconds before I realized what this was like. This was when I fought bad all over again.

Philza: "wait Tommy listen."

Bad: "wait Tommy, please, I didn't mean it."

Tommy: "bad?"

All of a sudden Philza had become the man I'd killed days ago.

Tommy: "bad is that really you?"

It took no time for me to let out a loud cry.

Tommy: "Philza you have to help me, he made me kill someone Phil, ITS MY FAULT SOMEONE IS DEAD! And I hear them, all the times. They tell me to kill again and I DONT WANT TO KILL AGAIN!"

Phil walked up to me from his backed up position and finally hugged me like a father should.

Philza: "it's alright Tommy, I'm here for you."

Dream was here for me. And now he's gone. It's like he RUSHED AWAY INTO THE NIGHT. (story title teehe)

    Authors note: Kinda a filler chapter for some backstory. That's all

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