Chat log / Ch 13

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Still Tommy POV guys 🥱

I woke up with Dream sitting by me. He looked like he was just about to leave but needed to a set my usual medication down. Since he hadn't been helping me out of the room anymore around lunch I could see the food sitting next to it but it didn't interest me enough to take.

My eyes fell on Dream as he sat up and left. Just as he left you could hear the clink caused by the door locking. That's when I finally sat up.

As a first response I slid down chat, Dream may be smart but the only thing he disabled was chat, not chat log. My eyes fell on all the missed messages now.

I saw a single message as I scrolled that pointed itself out. It was a response from techno. The response read-

"Hey Tommy, I'm surprised you could write a code that smart with your brain dead self but it's alright. I know you may not be able to reply but I need your cords. If Dream is disabling chat try command setting then /chat. It will work a few times but not many. Send the cords please and stay safe!"

I read over the response as fast as I could. I swiped down for the keyboard and copied his command, /chat. It then opened my chat letting me communicate with others. I then put in my cords. If Dream somehow knew the other day he might know now, this was a risk I'd have to take. I hit send.

    I then turned towards my medication. My two option were clear as day. I could take what was truly for my pain but I'd need the water or I could just leave it and feign a late sleep. Obviously I'd choose the second one.

    My eyes then again scanned the room. I looked towards the corner between a shelf where the crutches once were. Now they were there but on the top of the shelf. I may be tall but with something that high up, Dream had me beat.

     What can I even do? Maybe I could message Phil, he raised me so I at least owe him that. I once again swiped down the chat bar and put in /whisper. I then added Phil next to it and began typing.

"Hi dad, or Phil, it's Tommy. I'm just letting you know I'm doing ok. I miss you but I'll be out to see you soon so don't worry. Tell Ghostbur I said hi."

   And with that I sent it. My mind just fell blank as I realized something. That medication was what kept me calm? Or maybe it was the water. Now I was plain anxious because besides chat, there was nothing for me to do.

    I could send a chat to Ranboo? He always helped me so that could be nice.

"Hi ranboob, it's Tommy the big man. See ya soon. Keep my streaks."

    Dream did say I couldn't spill about my location and current situation so I didnt bother with that. Just then I hit send but realized me error. I never put the /whisper command.

  I was filled with panic the second I realized Dream hadn't left his house. Chat logs ding right? I can say something and make everyone talk? Who am I kidding this early nobody is even awake.

    Maybe I can be dramatic? If I say my head really hurts Dream will help me instead. I mean Dream is like family to me now. He hasn't done a thing! It's all lmanburgs fault.

    I stopped myself. I called Dream family. That was even worse than the situation at hand. Tension for me rose as soon as I heard something from upstairs.
I heard a noise maybe like a clatter? Most likely a fallen object.

Just then I heard stomping, No, more of a speed walk down the stairs. I knew those steps as they approached because nobody had been with me besides them for maybe 2 weeks.

The door swung wide open. Dream stood in the door frame fuming. Dreams eyes glowed straight through the mask and I knew I fucked up.

I paralyzed myself in fear of what to come which was a easy mistake. He slowly walked towards me and looked down at my limp body. He grabbed me tightly by the arm and pulled me up.

His immense strength felt like it was crushing my hand.

D: "Tommy will you ever, fucking, listen!"

He swung his hand towards the door, throwing me along with it. I slammed by back onto the concrete area. For the few seconds I had of peace I had wallowed in my pain but that can never last.

Dream went to walk out of my room. On the way out he must not have watched where he was going. He walked out stepping on my hand leaving a crunching sound behind. The strength and weight of this man combine completely crushed my hand.

The four fingers I had pointed outwards were now bruising over. My last memory of them was that before the door slammed shut. The lock clicked immediately. Leaving me leaned against a corner without any way of getting up.

There was nothing left for me to do but just type in chat anyways. I swiped down with my left hand, the one that wasn't stepped on, and opened chat. I went to type with my right hand but found it difficultly painful to move my fingers for typing.

I wanted to call for Dream and find out why they wouldn't move but I couldn't. Now that I think about it my head did hurt a bit after I fell yesterday. Partially it was a lie but the rest was pure truth.

Well it didn't matter now because my head was pounding. I tried to focus on one thing but It blurred itself out of my sight without leaving a trace of reason. I then gave up on my sitting up position and let myself fall towards the blankets.

They layed scattered from when I was torn from the bed. I curled one around me leaving my injured hand exposed. I then let myself fall into a sleep that was much welcomed. For once I was happy to get an area to myself. And with that everything blurred into black.

Lol a bit later)

I emerged from my slumber to see a light being pointed into my eyes. I raised my right hand to protest but realized the four fingers, leaving out the thumb were plastered together.

Bad's face was slightly blurred but I could make it out to be him. Light black spots intruded my vision causing a mind splitting headache. I tried to grasp my head but my back didn't bend right. It just felt sore.

B: "Hi Tommy! Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?"

I pushed my injured hand towards the air in immediate response. He took the hint I didn't need to see before I knew I'd have no idea. Looking down on me he squeezed my shoulder, a feeling I was all too familiar with. Philza had done it before providing us with bad news which is how this had been set up.

B: "I have some bad news I guess, your leg is getting better which is good, but now you broken 4 of your fingers and more bones if we go into detail."

T: "god how did I do that?"

  Bad looked at me confused.

B: "are you saying you don't remember?"

   I didn't think I could quite place the situation, it had to be lmanburgs fault but I just couldn't figure it out.

B: "Dream don't worry you can come in."

    I saw Dream Peaking in through the doorway but it was blurred.

T: "Why are you so fucking blurry?"

    Bad looked straight at Dream. He handed me the regen potion I was meant to take from before or that's what I think it was. He then turned away towards dream.

B: "Tommy drink all of it, I'll be back in 1-2 minutes. I need to talk to Dream."

   Bad exited the room leaving me to sit in my thoughts. I lifted the clear bottle to my mouth and lightly tasted it. The terrible taste stood in my mouth until I finally accepted that I needed to drink the whole thing.

      And that's what I did...

Author note: so don't worry, the concussion is for manipulation Dream purposes and I needed to connect Tommy to bad again. It's not long lasting. The fingers breaking is dramatic affect tbh. Like when an icicle melts in a movie it's dramatic affect so this is too I guess?

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