Why / Ch. 23

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Phil walked towards me, he was completely mesmerized. He continued to admire me as if I was some kind of missing diamond he'd found.

Phil: "Tommy I can't even believe your here right now,"

Changing his mood from angered to amazed he opened his arms,

Phil: "my son, my true son is alive."

He was just switching up in me after this? He continued towards me with open arms. I couldn't even let him a step closer. His sweaty palms collided with my arms for a slight second before I winced in pain.

Phil stepped back confused. Had he not noticed my arms or even all the cuts that scattered my body? The twisted look on his face changed into a sympathetic worry that he must've been containing for ages.

Phil: "why didn't you mention anything when you messaged me? Is he hurting you Tommy?"

What is phil on about? Dream isn't hurting me, Dream is helping me.

Phil: "oh my god, Dream has been abusing you."

My heart let out a fiery of emotion in response to the comment. It begun to let out a speeding beat before letting me take in all of his words.


     I flinched backwards realizing what Phil was going to do. He would take me back to the godforsaken land which imprisoned me. My head turned back so I could make my exit but a cold hand grabbed my shoulder, tugging me back.

     My body weight was too much so I fell to the ground.

Phil: "Faster techno, before Dream gets here."

     I went to stand and rush away but a hand held me harshly to the floor. It's grip wasnt light but didn't have any intent in harming me.

     Dream let me go in the end so most likely they had the time. Was I going home?

      A few seconds passed before I saw a shadow grace me, giving me a shading over the suns blinding rays.

Techno: "what has dream done to you?"

     His voice boomed in my head allowing Waves of sun added to the feeling of dizziness I now held. He almost echoed without hardly speaking.

Techno: "Phil grab an invisibility potion right now. We are taking Tommy back with us immediately."

   I struggled under Phil's hold seconds after this comment but it was to no avail. My face's expression was practically pleading for them to free me yet instead they disagreed.

     Phil let his hand lift from its holding position motioning towards techno for a switch off. Technos footsteps came close within a spit second and replaced Philzas past position.

     From the light field of vision I had been shown, I could see Phil grasping an invisibility potion as it gleamed inside its clear bottle. The shining sides letting its circular shape illuminate my brain with hope of savior.

     He skimmed his hands on the potion checking to be sure before dropping it towards the floor. My vision flickered slightly before the people around me turned to nothing. A heavy bit was placed into my head in order to reveal my identity before techno grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

Techno: "Don't even try Tommy, your coming home."

     I let myself fall limp into the comforting arms techno provided. My already shaky conscience went to almost nothing before it was gone.

(Sorry I really hate writing about traveling so when they arrive at technos :)

     A strange feeling grasped me as I felt my self wake up. Two Silhouettes loomed in the corner possibly Conversing?

      The room allowed me to wonder but that wasn't a long lasting thing. I was in an area with a bed and a log by my side. Prime log?

     I was so distracted yet so enticed. Every hint of the room was mesmerizing but I couldn't determine why. My mind let itself wander to every possible bit but I knew I needed to communicate with the people claiming to be my family.

     My chest rose up but my feet were neglected. A strap was pulled across them, just like when I was with Dream.

Tommy: "You Pussies! Let me out!"

   I mimicked my usual tone best as possible but all I could truly remember was bad. The images flashed over and over constantly reminding me about my horrific deeds.

Techno: "oh, Tommy is awake,"
Tommy: "uh huh no shit Sherlock."

      Techno walked towards me alongside Ranboo. They both wore blue clothing clearly intending to match.

Tommy: "if I've been replaced I should be able to go."

     His face widened in what looked like slight anger but he quickly became his calm and composed self. Whatever they intend to pull I want no part in it.

Techno: "you haven't been replaced. Ranboo has been helping me look for you."

     Techno extended his hand towards mine but I flinched back instantly, moving my hands above my face.

Techno: "Tommy, did you just flinch back?"

     I shook my head right away, denying the claim. Still he attempted to hug me. Even with a gesture this kind I still let myself flinch back.

Techno: "oh my god, Ranboo get Phil,"

Ranboo: "huh?"

Techno: "NOW."

     The words weren't directed at me, even so I still felt shock from the rise in voice from techno. As Ranboo exited, techno walked straight to my bedside. He glanced at me, analyzing every inch of my body.

     After a few seconds he emerged from his sorrowful state and removed the strap above my legs. Allowing a slight mutter escape from his mouth.

Techno: "your legs are too weak for running anyways."

   I was about to insult him but I was met by a much familiar person.

Phil: "Tommy please tell us what he's done to you."

    Anger was the only way of fulfillment at this rate so I spoke up.

Tommy: "excuse me for not wanting to speak with someone who is ok with abandoning their son? Not to mention being the son,"

     The room fell quiet the second I stopped.

Phil: "at least tell us about your arms Tommy?"

    I sighed before speaking.

Tommy: "I tried to escape and Dream snapped them, they'll be screwed for maybe 2-3 more weeks."

     I could see Ranboo's jaw drop before recollecting his composure.

Techno: "listen Tommy,"

Dream says the exact same thing.....

Techno: "Please realize we are just trying to help, we've noticed his manipulation and when I went to help you a few weeks ago I just knew we had to get you back. I don't want to go this far but we will keep you here forcefully."


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