Outside the box / Ch/ 19

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The alt POV was a one time thing, back to Tommy sorry guys :/

I watched as the sun finally rose. The Exhaustion I now held engulfed me as I slowly started to stand up. Hunger sent rumbles through my stomach adding to this torture. Mobs dying when hit by light was all I could hear until it went peaceful.

A newfound serenity settled into the area. The quiet didnt last, it was ruined by a noise. The noise sounded as if someone collided with rocks but water prevented serious damages so the sound would stay faint. I wasn't tall enough nor did I have enough strength to see through the window fully but I made out a shadow peering through.

The shadow gracefully cracked the bottom of the bedrock letting me see it's full outline. There Dream was. He had a backpack on him with bandages falling out the sides and a blanket of green velvet, a color that makes me want to die. He walked towards me but I laid helpless in defense. I had no power or way to fight this man anymore.

Once he was right infront of me he placed the blanket over my legs. The soft velvet comforted me creating a much needed warmth quickly. Just as I finally felt less light headed he grasped my left arm and held it to wear I could see it.

My arm was limp and had dried blood staining the skin all over. I tried to move it out of his hand yet it didn't move in response. The shock I felt spread across my face more visibly than tears. Without hesitation he responded by squeezing my arm lightly.

As said, though it was light, it was still terrible. The whole hand shook in response. Still I was trying to not to but I know tears were drenching my complexion with a liquid shine. After a few seconds the sun blurred from my vision as the tears soaked in. What was dream even doing?

After focusing my eyes I saw it. Still holding my arm except now in a comfortable way, he was holding the same pill with the same water.

Dream: "Once you take it, I'll help you."

I looked at him with anger taking over my face. The simple how would I take this was all I could give him. He took a few seconds but acknowledged this and held the pill close to my mouth. I opened it to the slightest amount possible but I could still feel his hand push the pill into my mouth. Without a hint of warning he covered my mouths exit and nose.

Regrettably I swallowed the pill. After seeing me swallow he let go and held the water up to my mouth. Slowly but surely I took light sips of it before letting my self fall back on to the unusable bed.

Dream: "give me your other hand."

     He sounded like he was questioning himself but I still obeyed. When it rose close enough to him he grabbed it harshly ignoring the blood stains all of it. After this he reached into the bag he brought pulling out two rolls of wrap.

Dream: "which color?"

      The two were both green shades. One of jade like dreams eyes and the other was a darker green like the grass when sun graces it with springs color. They were both unbearable to look at in my saddened state but I still chose the one I preferred. The second one clearly.

     He then unraveled the tip and went straight to my left arm. Within seconds the skin was fully covered in a green color. He acted again quickly by grabbing my right arm and doing the same.

Dream: "can you walk ok or do I need to help you?"

    My leg is undeniably weak but it's usable.

Tommy: "technically."

      Dream sighed and lifted me into his arms placing me like he was carrying a baby. I heard him let put an exasperated sigh before speaking once again.

Dream: "look, I know I went too far. I never meant to deliberately hurt you ok? So if your tired Tommy, just go to sleep. I'm not going to stop you."

      Once again I would be falling asleep at the hands of my enemy. Being carried back because I no longer had the strength to go myself. Even though it made me weak to do so I still did accept the offer. The last thing I saw before slipping away being dreams regret.

(Ok guys sorry, he's leaving VERY soon. Like you've got maybe 5 chapters at most before I tear them apart cause Tommy has real brothers that serves him)

     I awoke on the couch I've hardly ever been on. Punz was visible from the corner of my eye holding an ice pack to his head. I assume where I hit him. He didn't look angry just a but pained.

     Dream wasn't there or I couldn't see him atleast. All I could see beyond those things was a plate of food with unlike normal, milk. I know milk makes bones stronger so maybe that was the case? Regret can make you do crazy things.

   Still I didn't take the food. Dream has done a lot to me and done some for me but I don't think this was of pure kindness. Regret gives me an advantage I don't wish to use in this time.

   I'd I wait I can get more from the situation than just a glass of milk. When I regain the trust I need I'll finally be out of this hellhole without dream chasing me. You see I've learned an important fact while being here. Dream is immortal, if he makes me the same I'll have nothing to fear but the injuries that take time to heal.

     I don't need a techno, I don't need a tubbo, I don't need anything. I'll have one person that'll always be there. No I'll have two, myself and Dream.


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