1.6K 62 15

Sorry for the long period of no posts :(
My dad was confirmed to have COVID a couple days ago and I was grounded for maybe or maybe not making a rude comment. An example may or may not be "We always wear our masks but you can't fucking bother to wear your own!" With the following statement of me calling him hypocritical. If anyone has anywhere they want this story to go I'm taking idea :)

Next is the story formatting, how do you like how it's spread out? I keep it where each paragraph / 2-3 sentences is spread apart from the next 2-3 sentences. I know that when the paragraphs are smashed together it can get rather difficult to read.

After this we have characters. Tommy has wings, and for the confusion, yes he still hates tubbo. He finds that seeing him though in his current situation could be an upside. Now for the wing idea. Do you want them to be major or just a sideline thing. Major would be something like angst, non major would be like oh Phil doesn't find out. I'm basically asking do you want Phil's reaction with angst.

There will be a post tonight and Tomorrow confirmed. I didn't get a chance to announce my few day grounding but now you all know. I have also never said thank you for all the love and support you've given me. I did end up advancing in that writing competition and will be competing February 28th for the second stage. I submitted a dreamnotfound and two other simple stories.

I'm in online school aswell so if anyone would like to join me in Minecraft please do. My disc is Nagito#5362. (The period is not included) since I'm online for a week I'll also get more posts up. This message like usual will be deleted once 3-5 parts are posted ahead of it. Thanks again for the love and support! We've gotten 22k reads! I'm glad you guys enjoy something I've done.

Lastly please reply with a comment if you don't want to star this or whatever the system is called so I know people have seen this. :l

-the god author who never switches POV cause it's confusing :l

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