Prep Work / ch 5

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Still Tommy POV 🥱

To: "Techno I already said no!"

I continued to whine as techno grabbed my sword from my hand.

To: "Dream doesn't have to teach meeeeeee."

T: "Tommy do me a favor and be quiet."

    He snapped back. I quickly took my armor off. It scratched my skin from the cracks I had gotten in it. The once shiny netherite had turned into cracked diamond.  If your confused, I broke it.

To: "Why did you let him teach me Techno? He is still trying to manipulate me and you know it!"

T: "Tommy aren't you wondering why? Why he is manipulating you. What does he want cause it's certainly not the discs."

   All went silent. I resided my point and walked back inside without making another sound. If I remembered correctly, Dream trained me on Mondays and Wednesdays after Techno. This was my first Monday since proposing the team up.

   Checking the time I realized I was late, already. I trudged through the snowy area with some golden apples from techno's chest. My feet froze but I knew I would freeze out of fear if I was any later to dreams lesson.

To: "Dream mah friendddddd?"

     I yelled approaching him. His head turned to show anger with slight dissatisfaction. I immediately decided I should go but I was wrong, I was earlier than I expected but I was still frozen of fear. Naturally you'd be Lenient to someone being late but in this case, 2 hours is a lot of time.

D: "Tommy, your late."

To: "eh eh it's a bit hot out here isn't it?"


To: "i uh sorry I'm late?"

D: "You want to be late fine, I'm preparing you to kill
Tubbo Tommy, I can do whatever I want in these 6 hours I have with you here."

To: "OK OK IM SORRY, I won't be late again."

    I heard my own voice rise above normal limits. I thought I was a man but I certainly sounded like a little girl in dreams presence. At that moment I heard a rustle in the trees. I knew Dream was getting a book because I saw him leave in that direction so who was that.

     This person was obvious, no persons. Something techno taught me was tracking but what he taught me most was pvp. Since I left my armor at Technos I had no choice. The people I saw were unclear from my distance but the netherite was recognizable. I needed to fight them.

    I saw the enderchest dream had placed. The purple particles coming out from the area made its location evident even through all the snow. I moved quickly, wasting no time at all I then opened the chest. I grabbed one thing I knew they couldn't fight, pigstep.

    Hiding it in an empty slot I prepared the copyright music. There was a music box not far from where I was . Without a second thought I rushed towards it. I flung snow towards the air as I sprinted the snowy biome.

    Hoping I lost them was a lie. Who was it though? Well it was Dream team. As I sprinted I saw one small thing near the box, the giveaway. George's goggles. Aren't they mad at Dream? Perhaps they were here to watch him.

Sap: "Give up Tommy. We have you surrounded."

To: "excuse me?"

My confusion was through the roof. Everything around me just came to a pause.

G: "finally revenge for burning my house."

To: "bruh wtf."

Sap: "cmon Tommy, you didn't really think Dream would help you? He may want a United smp but he would prefer George."

To: "damn that's an issue."

I said backing up towards the music box.

To: "only problem is I have the most powerful weapon in the smp."

Moving my hand towards the box I set the disc inside. I quickly plugged my ears to turn down this copywrite music.


G: "too bad Tommy, I'm colorblind. I can see around it."

I thought that would work. A fear of death shot up my body. I'm only 16 though? I don't want to die...


Oh it's techno. OH ITS TECHNO. I'm happy to know I've been saved.

D: "hold up techno, I'm cashing in my favor. Do not touch George or Sapnap. Let them have Tommy."

Author note: AH MY WRITING IS SHIT TODAY. ITS 2 AM. Anyways option for today, cheez it's or goldfish? Also this is your last chance. No Tommy won't die but if he goes with George and sapdaddy I mean sapnap, that damn speech issue, there will be a more interesting story

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