Horrendous / Ch. 14

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Geez noobs always Tommy POV....

Bad returned to the room with Dream behind him. I couldn't make it out to well but once again Dream appeared massless before me. I could lightly make out his nose shape but I don't know what that helps.

B: "Tommy What's the last thing you remember?"

I stared down at the covers over me. I was confused?

T: "I don't know?"

Dream walked up to me, placing a hoodie over my shirt.

B: "Cmon Tommy, we have to go somewhere."

My mind twisted in confusion. I could feel the headache increase though I'd taken the potion. Bad extended a hand but it completely blurred away from me.

I didn't know another approach, I balled myself up and started crying. The liquid coming from my eyes made my face sting but it didn't matter. I just needed a good cry.

Dream I would guess pulled me into a hug. My assumption was based on the blurry green sweatshirt that matched mine. I didn't mind at this rate, I hid my head in his shoulder burying it in the fabrics of green.

He then lifted me up. I tried to move my head away from his shoulder so I could get an idea of our destination but Dream foresaw that. He had placed his hand over my head and applied enough pressure to prevent me from sitting up.

I then struggled against it but to no prevail. There was enough room for me to breath I'd say yet I still needed more space.

D: "Tommy calm down, we aren't going anywhere bad."

B: "also Mainly I'd say avoid sleep but I think you will be alright. I'm here too so I can help out if anything goes wrong."

I then realized bad was correct in some way. I couldn't unbury my head from dreams shoulder so I just gave in. I let my tears finish falling while I drifted off into a calm sleep.


My eyes flickered open when I realized we were in water. The movement of it with my headache caused me to jerk back and get dizzy. My sight looked mainly focused now but I still couldn't make out anything besides a tiny island blocks away.

I looked around and bad was no longer there, just a green man infront of me. My curiosity took over and I tapped dreams shoulder.

Before I could ask where our destination was he reached onto my hair and ruffled it.

D: "Don't worry, we are almost home."

It may have been night time but I saw some kind of smirk on his face. The smirk looked cruel and full of malice. My mind took over and I threw myself over into the icey water.

I could see Dream reach down thinking I leaned to far and fell in but I knew otherwise. The water was clear enough for me to reach shore before Dream and that's what I'd do. My cast bothered me loads just when treading but it was waterproof.

My arm moved forwards pushing groups of water behind me. Dream tried to catch up but still fell behind. I had options but then I realized the last thing I remembered. It was chatting Ranboo then everything after is black. It's all gone.

I was swimming without thought and hit something. It was land. Though I'd say it wasn't fully healed I considered it enough. I did a weird jumpy spring attempting to get away from Dream as fast as possible. What I didn't notice was where I was.

There were craters everywhere. An old Christmas tree sat there looking over me with slight lights that'd grown dim. This was my exile. I had prepared myself before to be back here but I couldnt hold myself together.

Nothing was worse than this place, absolutely nothing. I collapsed myself into the newly growing grass in a state owned by my emotions. I heard dreams footsteps grow louder and louder but for once I couldn't place a single puzzle piece.

Everything was so far scrambled I just didn't know what to do.

   I could hear my voice rising alongside the feelings they gave. Panic spread over me. I wrapped myself in my own arms and turned back to look at him.

He was looking down at me just as he always had. This time he lost all bits of sympathy, he just looked satisfied. The endless possibilities raced through my head landing on a certain one. Was I going to die?

Dreams face blurred itself throughout the dark area but left recognizable things around. These things were all minor details that surrounded one. As I scanned his body I could see a sheath covering a sword. This wasn't any sword, it was the strong one.

I pushed my body towards the back of the tree, lightly scraping my arms on the broken bark. I was a coward in the presence of a knight. Not just any knight, the kings knight.

My cowardly feeling brushed ashore as I sniffled out the few things I had to say,

T: "Dream please take me home, this isn't funny."

His eyes of green glared downward to the grass at this remark. He then lowered his body to my height.

D: "and Tommy where is that home?"

I would've said Techno's but Dream begged to differ. He stared straight at me expecting a response. I knew he wouldn't look away until he got one.

T: "anywhere but here please dream."

I cried my response out. You could hear the strain in my voice as I pushed out words through sobs.

D: "Even my house?"

The thought struck me, where would I rather be? I honestly didn't know but what I did know is where we were wasn't it.

I then dug my nails into the dirt. I could feel it's texture as it crumbled into the under part of my hand. To escalate the matter even more, I started to hear wind.

When you can hear the wind cry out it's a storm that's coming. I continued just after to shove my nails under the dirt almost as an attempt to relieve stress.

Dream took that as a no. He stood up and began walking off. Every step was a new thought of what would happen. I wouldn't make it to techno on my own. There were too many mobs.

T: "yes ok? Even your fucking house."

I choked out. My tears soon blended with the new found rain as Dream turned around. His smirk was larger than before. He had succeeded in manipulating me and there was nothing I could do in response.

He then walked back towards me and put a hand on my head like the day before.

D: "Seems like you might have a fever huh?"

And at that he grabbed me by the side lifting me into the position I was in before we left. Who was I to retaliate? I once again shoved my head into his shoulder just so it couldn't be seen.

He moved his head to where my ear was and whispered one thing into it,

D: "even if you don't remember, use chat again, and I'll leave you out here at sunset."

Dream did it. I had lost my cool when I was finally calmed. I grasped his other shoulder and tried to pull away upon hearing this. I didn't trust this man to carry me, not one bit.

As I said once before, he is too smart. He reached into a bag and threw a splash potion. The floaty particles were just on me which showed he was careful about affecting himself.

It then became obvious the second my arms stopped going against him. He threw a weakness potion. Those types last maybe an hour? (This is a bit different guys so just accept my opinion cause it's not changing)

I would be completely limp for around that much time which is terrible in this situation. I believe my exile is an hour away from his house so I'll be immobilized this whole ride back. Which is good for Dream I guess.

D: "Tommy don't worry about what I told you, just don't use chat? It's not that bad to exist without causing trouble."

Yeah I'll try to not worry. Cause that will do much.

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