The Once Fallen / Ch. 4

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still Tommy pov: This might die cause I'm on a laptop

T: "Tommy, what is this?"

I looked to the side, making my shining blond hair fall carefully to a strange look. Techno held a glowing leather book with a ripped texture.It looked so tattered as if kit had been through an explosion this could be one of two things, my diary, or my book on how to sex. Both would suck but brothers be brothers I guess.

To: "eh heh no idea?"


Well now we know what that was. Rip how to sex 3. Everyone really out here trying to stop me from writing in it. I really don't mind him having it cause the original is still alive. But there's another half to the issue. Dream burned the book, I watched each seam tear into pieces with my own eyes. My eyes had seen the bright fire and let it burn my skin as I scrounged the area for my book. The only hope is that dream himself collected it. And if dream collected it, how the fuck does techno have it?

And why is it published? I never finished it. A feeling of dread crept up my body. Dream is still here. Dream planted that. He wants me to know that I can't escape him. He wants so much from me yet I have so little. I can hardly imagine anything besides he may need our help. Is this Techno's way of saying I have to choose? With all these decisions I can barely keep track of what I need to do. How this may go we our madly outnumbered. If this is a choice I need to face my trauma and have dream help us.

To: "Techno is that how to Sex 3?"

My voice started to shake a bit. I had developed a visible stutter. Everything just happened this way because of Tubbo. If Tubbo had stayed with Schlatt none of this would've happened.

T: "so it is yours, wtf Tommy?'

I dread this moment since the few second ago I decided on it. I need some way to stay composed and tell Techno we need to team with dream. Dream has the whole Smp against him is what Techno will first say. He will argue against it then bring up some war book shit. What gives Sun Tzu the right to choose what's good though? he's a dead man who liked war. Whats so good about that. I held my breath and watched as Techno turned to walk out. His boots made a sound that echoed throughout the room as he moved towards the upstairs.

To: "Dream"

I immediately caught techno's attention.

T: "excuse me?"

I once again breathed in then out. Holding my sleeve I spoke.

To: "Techno we have to team with Dream."

T: "Tommy that's insane-"

To: "I know its insane for gods sake. But what's war without risks?"

T: "Tommy you didn't let me finish. I said it was insane, not that I didn't like the idea."

I realized he'd expected this. He knew this day would come just as he knew I would turn into another fucking Theseus. sometimes I hated techno more than dream cause of things like this.

T: "but Tommy, Can you kill Tubbo when the time comes?"

I know I want to. I know I should, But I know I can't.

To: "im not sure if I can"

Dream: "Then I'll make sure you can."

I knew that voice. My heart started to then beat faster than I knew it could. I couldn't take the courage to look behind me and see the green man I now hated have to join me. He's manipulative. They knew this whole time I couldn't do it. Was dream always back up?

To: "You were here this whole time huh?"

The shake in my voice escalated into a voice full of anger and hatred ready to scream.

Dream: "Tommy we are friends! Ill help you with anything you need."

Though I wasn't looking behind me I could feel a hand place on my shoulder. Dreams hand. Nobody else was around besides dream and techno but techno was infront of me.It had to be his. I moved my hand onto his and twisted it. You could start to hear a sickening sound come as I twisted it further to the side.

To: "dream get your fucking hands off me you manipulative bitch."

My own voice sounded different. The blue in my eyes was back, I could feel it. It was my new weapon. A weapon sharper than knives.

Dream: "Well then Tommy, what did you want me to do here? You seem stronger."

To: "Go fuck George asshole."

T: "Tommy im glad you've come around. Dream wants a united smp, we want destruction."

Dream: "well techno, one more thing, I have a favor."

T: "oh?"

Dream: "I am training Tommy on the arts of manipulation. He's all yours for pvp but before he takes Tubbo's life, I want him to hurt him. I want Tommy to make Tubbo feel hopeful for his friend. Then crush that hope with a squeeze of his palms around Tubbo's neck."

T: "deal Dream, You've got yourself an arrangement."

Author Notes: SO YALL DECIDING THIS, DOES TECHNO BETRAY DREAM OR DOES DADDY DRE HELP THEM LOL. Angst would be where Dream joins them and happy ending would be Techno betraying. lol. its my bday and im too young for coffee but its still my favorite thing ever. Its almost as addicting as pop tarts tbh. Warm, Hot, Melty, pop tarts that just came from the toaster. So good Huh? Enjoy the pic at the top!!!

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