Ch. 34

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S: "Tommy, please eat a bit more than that,"

    I'd taken four large bites from the baked potato Sam had made me. The top was glazed with cheese and spices but I still couldn't eat any more of it.

   With Dream I'd hardly eaten. I wasn't used to normal sized meals because I was so focused on if it was poisonous or just a hot dish. Now that I can eat in comfort, it feels wrong.

P: "It's not healthy to eat just that small but so please do eat more."

      I slowly shook my head.

T: "I'm sorry but this much is already a tad past my comfort zone."

     Sam achieved his goal of testing my boundaries and grasped the plate from infront of me. He slowly walked back into the other room before returning with his dog.

S: "I know you don't like enclosed spaces but we need to get you into the basement."

      I shuddered at the thought of returning to a basement for hours and hours each day.

P: "aren't you wondering why he has Fran Tommy?"

     My head turned towards Sam motioning for why yet all he did was smile.

S: "when we aren't there Fran will keep you company. Fran will always keep you safe, I'm sure of it."

      I nodded before succumbing go my fears. I'm sure they won't leave me alone too much right?

P: "I guess we should head down now."

      Sam gave her the go ahead look and then turned to me. He cautiously placed his hands around me. His warm embrace made me feel ungrateful revisiting. Following this action he lifted me just as Dream has previously done.

S: "it's a small but bumpy walk, are you comfortable?"

    I quickly moved my head up,

T: "where I am is alright, thanks though."

     My smile placed itself into the most forced things in the century. I gritted my teeth together the whole time to hide my fear from the eyes of those defending me but i still only managed something as evidently fake, a pity.

     Sam then begun walking out of the room. Since I was clearly being carried by him I leg my old habit come back. My head rested itself into his shoulder digging in to his Green sweatshirt.

     Goosebumps erupted over my body as I noticed my comparison. Sam and Dream were similar in so many ways. Both wore masks, admired green, enjoyed fighting, and lastly, found building rather productive.

      I'd consider myself a walking disaster when it comes to building but who could tell. I hardly build? Anyways, taking away that small sidetrack, it's a bit sudden. I've just gotten back so why have I been tossed around like I'm a stupid item. Am I someone's equivalent to the discs.

    Imagine me being someone's mellohi, I'd get so many girls. They'd all say oh tommyinnit, your music is fantastico, oh no I can't leave the discord until you play more. They'd be wanting more screaming me gusts me gusts.

     I shook. My head flew straight up into sams hair getting brushed over the face. He had come to a pause.

A: "whose there?"

     I squinted my eyes trying to find out how he hadn't seen me before I realized. Invisibility had cast its spell over us and clutched us a win for the book.

T: "Nice."

     My whisper was just under by breath but any frost still heard a vague version of it.

A: "come forward or I shall get bad and the egg. Our egg pire things you all should be beside us and I can't agree more."

    Any was among the insane now. I doubt bad is better though. Is anyone reasonable anymore? Quackity just wants techno dead, tubbo wants nukes or some shit, Sam wants construction, bad wants an egg?

     The mental stability here has taken a turn and I know I turned the other way. How is it I'm more stable when I was locked away for months?!?! Still I can't help but wonder, if I had run again, would dream have placed me in the prison?

    I mean I'm safe for now but now is short term. The now you'd previously heard about has just become earlier. Get what I mean?

Note: sorry abt yesterday, have loads of homework. My updates have now become once ATLEAST every two days. Usually expect the normal one per day but I may skip a day thanks

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