Lmanburg's Last Ring / Ch. 9

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Still Tommy kids... :( Until techno shows up I'm taking the To away, in convos Tommy is now T and Dream is D. THERE IS A SHIT TON OF DIALOGUE BTW / THIS IS RLLY ANGSTY

    It was once again time to stop. We traveled all through the night so even if I did scream nobody would know. Dream knew better than by now, I wouldn't except food from him so why?

   Dream hopped off the horse, taking me with him. I hit the ground which hurt my injured leg even more. Luckily I fell to my back. Dream then undid the ties across him, once again putting them only on me.

D: "eh hey sorry about that Tommy. I forgot."

T: "are we close at least?"

I could hear Dream sigh. Out of everyone who needed something from me it had to be this man.

D: "your so eager. I've already told you that this is your last time outside for a while. Enjoy it. And the answer is about 1 hour to go."

That hit hard. I have one hour to absorb every bit of the outdoors. Only one?

My heart sped up

How will I ever get anything done in one hour? That's not any time...

My breath sped up

Is Dream planning to keep be in a bed, in a basement, all alone for 2 months?

And that was the final straw

I could hardly breath. I'm injured, I'm stuck with Dream, and I can't destroy lmanburg. Though it'd be a lie to say it was dreams fault I wish I could. He didn't do a thing to me though, it was all lmanburg.

My thoughts interrupted themselves when suddenly my air became strained. Breathing just fell hopeless. I could breath air but it didn't feel like it was enough. My head looked down towards the ground without my doing so. Before I could act again I looked up one more time. I made eye contact with Dream. He looked down on me.

My panic blurred my vision at that moment. I struggled against my ropes trying to let my hands reach towards my throat. My throat grew scratchy as I Coughed a few times. He's just going to watch me suffer over and over.

Normally I'd calm myself but I couldn't. The panic residing in my mind grew and grew. Unlike most times my breath didn't slow. But after all that struggle I prevailed. The ropes surrounding me fell. I then reached them to my chest trying to calm down.

Dream didn't slow. He reached towards the ropes and then attempted to grab my arms. He was trying to retie the ropes. Hardly able to breath I let out as much of a cry as I could,

T: "Dream, I can hardly breath please."

The world shaking around me came to a fall. Was it lack of oxygen? I can't explain it. One second everything was annoying me, the next my vision blurred until it was nothing. As it blurred muffled noises from Dream zoomed in and out. I think I heard him say something like

"Tommy just try and breath"

Before I fell I my side. The last thing I remember was the nice grass, with the sun adding light to my face. That was all until I woke up.

(Location????? Time, maybe like 6 hours later? Idk)

My eyes flickered open. I was no longer in a grass field, I was in a dimly lit room. The room had a red bed, which I was in. A window but the other side was just a item framed picture. It was quite cold I guess though that was likely due to me being underground.

Next to me was some kind of pill. It sat on a side table that had a picture frame. The picture was of me and Tubbo, why Tubbo? I strongly dislike Tubbo and would love him dead so why.

I was about to side against the pill but that was until I tried to move. I struggled to then notice my injured foot tied down. Not completely just lightly. I'd assume it wasn't to keep me there and that in this case only to prevent movement.

I guess your not supposed to move that kind of stuff because it started to burn again. Immediately I grabbed the pill and swallowed it. My calm room soon came to an end. Glancing at the door I noticed it to be wide open, why?

Obviously I knew why. I then turned toward the corner. My eyes fell on to giant things, are those crutches? Even with the ability to move a bit now I had nothing to do.

As I said the calm room came to a close. The second I turned back there was a certain person I hated standing in the doorway.

D: "sleep well?"

  His voice was almost mocking me. A small bag was near his feet. He picked it up and tossed it towards me. My face shifted in confusion as I opened the bag slightly.

D: "clothes Tommy. That baseball tee is probably dirty as hell.

T: "Will I get it back?"

   Dream sighed and reached to grab a notepad. He scribbled something down then returned to our conversation.

D: "Your too old for baseball tees. They are for kids not 16 year olds."

T: "uh huh so what was that?"

   I looked towards his notepad and glared at it.

D: "Records. I'm tallying you. Good things and I give you those crutches. You can figure out the rest I assume."

T: "uh huh, and what am I meant to do all day?"

   Dream froze for a second and for once looked like he understood me, or wanted to at least.

D: "Just try and rest alright? I had stuff that you could've done but you had to be stupid and get hurt."

T: "I don't want to rest for two months straight?"

   Dream hesitated before snapping make a snarky response.

D: "What are you going to do about it Tommy? Cry? Or are you going to run away? That's right, you can't."

    He again hit hard. Every time I try and grasp the gravity of the situation he makes me feel like a joke.

T: "Stop making this a fucking joke. What did I do to deserve being stuck in a basement or some shit for 2 months."

   I was about to cry once again. Two months is a heck of a lot of time. I got exiled, a country blew up, and I got exiled again in that time span.

D: "genuinely Tommy they don't care your gone so I don't see why you care where you are? Once a day I'll help you up ok? Maybe for 10 minutes at most but I'm well aware I can't leave you in this room for two months straight."

T: "then what will you say? Tubbo knows I'm alive know so how will you hide me? Techno will just spill."

D: "but Tommy, was Tubbo going to visit you? I stole Ranboo's books and Philza is in prison. Techno has nobody to believe him."

T: "When can I leave? Clearly it will be longer than two months so when?"

    Dream looked at me. He then chuckled lightly. He moved his hand towards his face and removed the white mask that covered his face. The room was too dark and he knew that for me to see it so why remove the mask? Dramatic affect maybe?

D: "When I think I can trust you I'll send you back."

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