A Fragile State Of Mind / Ch. 15

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Yk whose POV idiots

We arrived back faster than I thought. I'd assume there should be 20 minutes left of the potion? Who knows honestly.

Dream took me straight downstairs the second we got in. He momentarily set me down before adjusting how I was. In The few seconds before he returned to the upstairs he managed to take my temperature, give me the pain killers, may I add forcefully to the one before, and disable chat fully.

I now didn't have access to my own settings which sucked. Unlike everyone else, now when I swiped down it brought nothing.

D: "well Tommy, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

His voice snapped me out of my daze. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. So I did what any scared person would do.

T: "Dream wait,"

He looked at me and nodded his head to show he was present in the conversation.

T: "I-I'm scared,"

I sounded just like the coward I am now. I was immobilized with a concussion, broken fingers, and a screwed up leg. Nobody could blame me right?

Dream turned out the light and walked to the chair beside my bed. It was too dark for me to completely see what he was doing but he settled down into the chair.

D: "don't worry Tommy, I'll be here until you fall asleep."

This was a bad idea on my end but I was scared. What if I died in my sleep? Nobody would know. I then let my fears drift away beside my Consciousness. The last thing I saw before it all went black was dreams smile remaining.

(So a quick thing is I am adding way more detail to my writing style next chapter so lolz. I'm the morning)

I awoke to my usual headache. The door unlike usual was wide open and my crutches were lined on the side near them. Why would he put them there? Even do I wanted to move around so I stood up and grabbed the crutches.

The movement stopped when I reached the kitchen. Dream had his back turned to the stove and seemed to be cooking? What were his intentions cooking on the floor I stayed on? He could simply go upstairs and cook there.

Moving on, Because of my head i am sensitive to noise which is why the kitchen is probably a terrible idea. Just then Dream interrupted my thoughts with a loud clatter. An immediate shock of pain went through my head, causing me to wince.

Dream was no longer oblivious to my location and looked at me dead in the eye. Before saying anything he went over to a cabinet and grabbed a cup. He then walked towards the sink. Though it lasted only a few seconds I could hear the water run for what felt like hours.

He then ended this Wait by bringing it over then reaching towards his pocket to pull out a bottle. Did he really keep my medication in his pocket? Unlike usual he grabbed two from the container and placed them next to the water which happened to be infront of me.

   I've never been a fan of potions or medication in general even if it's for my well-being so I ultimately decided no. Dream looked peaceful as he spoke but his voice twisted my mind with the games he plays.

D: "Tommy your not leaving until you take it."

    I tried to withhold the temptation to ask but it was to much.

T: "and what'll you do if I turn to go back?"

   A weird change in my voice occurred which shocked me. Why the heck was I so high pitched?

D: "I won't have to do a thing, you'll be the one Locked inside a singular room all day."

T: "whatever, does my voice sound weirdly high pitch to you?"

  Dream looked at me almost proud. Was he happy I was asking him? I mean there's nobody else to ask???

D: "you sound fine to me. Maybe you'd sound right if you took your medication."

   He then held it out to me almost shoving it in my face. I finally complied and swallowed both pills. I was then surprised to get a reassuring tap on the shoulder. What the hell was dream doing.

D: "Tommy I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out today?"

   Normally I would've jumped up but since I can't jump nor can I have free will, there is no point.

T: "it honestly depends."

   Dream laughed at a little in response to me but settled on a confusing answer. He had woken up and chosen violence something Tommy wanted him not to do for once.

D: "Tubbo is hosting a festival tomorrow. Want to watch?"

T: "and how would I do that?"

D: "I already have a red stone device somewhere in your room. I'll set it in timer so you'll go back to your room immediately after."

     I nodded but then had a realization.

T: "I can't go anyways. I'm exiled."

D: "if everyone thinks your dead Tommy I'm sure that'll be the least of there worries. Besides, you'll be invisible. I had punz create a barrier block room you can watch but you'll be unreachable."

    I knew there would be a catch still it was worth the show.

T: "wait would I have to get up early? Cause that's a no go."

D: "oh come on Tommy, it's like one of those early morning things you can sleep after."

    I sighed showing ounces of regret.

D: "oh and Tommy, don't forget to drink the water."

T: "but water is disgusting and it tastes so plain."

D: "you know water is tasteless right?"

   Just then everything shook lightly for me. My concussion is just a headache at this point so what is going on? At that moment Dream was next to me. He caught me? Why did I fall?

D: "sorry Punz didn't think you'd cooperate with us when we put you in the barrier blocks. So he suggested I put one pain killer and one of those sleeping pills."

T: "Dream, whenever I start to fucking trust you, you turn on me. Why couldn't you trust in me once just once?"

     He held me up and started walking to my room, I'm assuming he was placing his enderpearl contraption.

D: "Tommy, everything I do is for your own good. Your like a younger brother to me. I feel obligated to protect you."

I struggled against him desperately trying to break myself free from this but I was already drowsy. Just like every other time Dream defeated me, he prevailed, he won. And that was all before the curtain opened for myself and I was watching a festival of my fears.

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