... / Ch.29

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After finally reaching the house once again I could feel myself be enveloped by warmth. I remained unsure if it was still techno who had been holding me but I knew whoever it was cared.
   They had randomly given me pats in the back each time I shook which gave me comfort I can't explain. My thoughts fell as soon as I felt myself be placed down in what seemed to be a couch.

    The second my leg touched the soft texture, it started to hurt which brought me to my senses once again.

Techno: "We have to cast it but first it's not even in the right place!"

Ranboo: "Should I go get those numbing shots you had?"

Phil: "NO! You cannot do that to Tommy! He just got back! I need to know why he left."

     At mention of my name, I let myself cry out. My leg moved slightly but still hardly and that struck fear through me. This wasn't like last time, last time it still looked normal but now it was tilted fully to the side.

Tommy: "W-what the h-heck is this?"

       My hands fell once again over my mouth.

Tommy: "I think I might be s-sick,"

       I clutched my stomach, hardly able to hold back anymore of this.

Phil: "Tommy! Why did you leave?"

     His comment subsided in my head before I almost let myself hurl. He placed his hand harshly along my shoulder before I felt myself being pulled back.

Techno: "LET IT GO PHIL!"

    He hissed back towards Phil. His head turned towards mine as he spoke.

Techno: "Tommy I'm going to need you to calm down, ok?"

    I slowly nodded, averting my eyes from the sight.

Techno: "Ranboo go get them, we are going to reposition it."

    My breath sped up as I turned to look again.

Tommy: "n-no, don't d-do that. I'll b-be a-alright."

     I tried to get up before I felt the hand on my shoulder pull me straight down.

Techno: "I tried to be nice but now is not the time! Phil hold the rest of him down, I don't know if we will be able to help anything worse than this."

     Ranboo returned to the room holding three syringes, reminding me of my fear of needles.

Ranboo: "Should I put them in his bloodstream?" (Shots are done into your bloodstream)

       I could feel the sting as he placed the needles tip under my leg.

Ranboo: "Three, Two, One."

     Within seconds my leg lost all feeling.

Techno: "I need you to be honest right now, can you feel your leg at all?"

     I slowed my breath before answering,

Tommy: "h-hardly? It's n-not even moveable."

    Techno sighed a sigh of relief before switching off with Phil. A pillow was placed under my head but I still neglected Any chances of this happening.

    I watched as both of technos hands skimmed my legs until he stopped near my knee. Though I couldn't feel it I could sit it clearly.

Tommy: "no-no techno. You don't have to do that,"

    Techno looked at me sympathetically before I felt something cover my eyes.

Phil: "just don't look, ok?"

     He lightened the grip over my head while leaving his hand just slightly over it. Even though I couldn't feel anything, I still knew. There's just this gut feeling that let's you know.

Techno: "See? All done."

     The hands over my slowly went up before going straight back down.

Techno: "Let Ranboo and I wrap it first. Then you can look again."

Phil: "No techno, let Ranboo do that. I think he's also got a slight fever."

Tommy: "You're all exaggerating! Just let me get up."

      I was unsure of what was going on before I heard a voice.

Techno: "Tommy, you're covered in a blanket and laying down so go to sleep!"

       He sounded angered as he told me this.

Tommy: "Fine,"

       I sighed, allowing every inch of my body to join my leg in pure numbness, little did I know I'd be wishing that numbness was still there tomorrow.

AUTGOR: HELLO!!! Sadly the story is coming to an end very very soon. Do I make a sequel????

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