In depth / Ch. 21

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    Bad and I soon sat in silence. Normally I'd be cursing at him but I no longer had the energy I used to have. Our conversation closed with a few memories of lmanburg. I hate that place.

Bad: "hey by the way, didn't you wake up just a bit ago?"

     Hesitantly I nodded. Bass face then lit up,

Bad: "Is there a kitchen?"

Tommy: "well I have one downstairs?"

Bad: "why don't I make you something?"

Tommy: "you know we are in the same situation right? You don't have to do anything for me."

  Bad shot a sympathetic look towards me, trying to conceal his feelings of worry.

Bad: "it's different for you. I go outside every day, your a growing boy, you should be outside all day. Not once a week or so."

Tommy: "that would be a well rounded point except what would I even do outside? The winter breeze is near so I'd be freezing my ass off for no reason!"

    Bads face turned into pure joy as I continued my statement. Almost as if I'd given him an idea.

Tommy: "and what is so happy right now?"

Bad: "well it's just that I haven't heard you curse since before your leg."

      I shook my head but deep down I knew he was right. Was I really me anymore?

Bad: "well come on then, show me this kitchen."

       Looking around the room I soon stood up. I approached the stairs and motioned for bad to come with me, he walked alongside me until we reached them.

Tommy: "here we are."

Bad: "cool kitchen for someone whose being held hostage."

    Did bad just imply I'm here by choice? No bad isn't that dumb.

Tommy: "do you maybe want to discuss an escape plan?"

Bad: "Tommy I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

Tommy: "bad you said it yourself! I should be outside with everyone else. Like someone my age."

Bad: "really Tommy I don't think that's a good idea."

Tommy: "Do you think I'm working with Dream?"

Bad: "Tommy I never said that!"

Tommy: "Then why can't you trust me to escape!"

Bad: "your a kid! You'll ruin my plan!"

     The room went silent as bad stopped himself mid sentence. His eyes widened upon realizing what he'd said to me.

Bad: "Wait Tommy I didn't mean it-"

    Without listening I stormed up the stairs. It was dangerous without railings but I didn't care. Dream would be back soon and I'd tell him what bad planned. He should've let me in on the plan.

    Bad came straight after me.

Bad: "Tommy wait! You know what I meant when I said that!"

(OK GUYS GET READY FOR YES A LOT OF BLOOD AND ANGST, Srsly I'm being honest rn, if you like bad boy Halo you might want to sit this part out. Sadly this is super important so I'd your following the story force through it.)

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