To Dreams Dishonor / Ch 11

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If you don't know the POV by now I stg
It's Tommy's

    A light bit of fear came over me. At this rate you could hear the two pairs of footsteps walking towards where I was. Dream never said I couldn't chill on the porch eh heh right? That's when I realized i now only heard one pair of footsteps. The other had stayed inside.

   Clearly Dream was the one approaching me. He didn't sound happy but mad wasn't the word for it. The door a few feet away swung open. Out stepped Dream. He looked me up and down then scowled.

D: "I told you to trash the baseball tee Tommy. And I'll be taking those after this."

   He extended his hand out while the other pointed towards the crutches. As suspected his voice was a bit hoarse but not angry. I took his hand, with his other he helped me correctly place the crutches under my arms.

D: "listen, bad is helping but if you mention a single thing to him I'm going to take a cannon life so I swear Tommy, be quiet for once."

    I looked almost offended. He then motioned for me to follow so I obviously did. Instead of returning to where I stayed we went to a couch on the main floor. The couch was a dark green with maybe 2 pillows? The pillows were black and some type of lime color. Both had a white trimming rounding the sides but nothing else important stood out.

B: "I see the crutches came in handy Tommy! They're great but I wish you'd have waited for me to cast it."

  Ahaha no. Once Wilbur destroyed his knee and got a cast. It looked heavy and terrible. I'm also pretty sure it's not water proof so I'd have to be like Dream come help me and I rely on him enough already.

T: "eh heh are you suggesting we cast it?"

   Dream shot a look at me before turning him head away once again.

B: "oh dream didn't tell you? We were going to cast it today! That's why I'm here silly goose."

   This time I shot a look at dream. If I'm being honest this was actually an attempt to help me most likely. I'm not much of an appreciative person I guess.

T: "Bad I honestly feel great, I could probably go run laps, I don't think I need a cast."

D: "Didn't you cry yesterday because you needed pain medication?"

T: "I think you've got the wrong guy. This man is fine."

   Bad then looked at Dream almost like asking him what he suggested they do. Dream let out a light sigh then turned towards me.

D: "if your so good right now then go run down to your room and back."

    I'm being mocked again. All because of fucking lmanburg.

T: "I'm not your fucking pet dream."

D: "Tommy, grab the crutches and return to your room I guess. I'll chat with bad about what we can do."

    I never let them go so there wasn't a thing for me to grab. I did my version of stomping towards the stairs.


  I should've fucking listened to bad. One second I was trying to crutch down the stairs the next I was in the ground at the bottom. I wasn't really injured just pissed.

    I didn't even notice the hot liquid streaming from my nose.

T: "FUCK."


  I looked towards the crutches. Everything was completely fine so I grabbed them. They shook a bit in my hands but I finally maintained my grip.  Upon completing this action I noticed the blood trail I had almost started.

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