Ch. 40

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    I awoke to see no sun, something I'd hoped for since my exile. It was typically rainy nearby but I never expected it to last this long. Sweat made its way down my arms as I remembered my whereabouts. Before my untimely awakening I'd had a nightmare, an exile nightmare.

   All you could hear was the water sloshing with dread as the boat was moving further and further away from my friend. Tubbo was my only friend, he was now my enemy.

    Do friends exile each other? I'd assume they don't. I can still see it. He stood above the wall, staring at Dream. Water coursed it's way down my face merging with my tears as the rain began to slow. It's behavior was almost just my emotions, collapsing.

   The nightmare was yet to end there, it continued. I sat below my tent as the sun's rays struggled to let out just a bit of light to me, giving me nothing. It continued on and on but it never prevailed. Soon it gave up, letting its light fade to night where I was suddenly running.

     Wind grasped my face in harsh hits as I sprinted towards the snow. Each speck slammed me causing my eyes to quint. Light flurries danced into my mouth gracing my dehydrated throat with seconds of fulfillment. Suddenly all the snow stopped to show Techno.

    Techno held out a burned skull towards the sky. His pink hair waved in long strands in the wind's direction. Out of nowhere shock emerged inside of me as his hair switched sides but the wind did not.

    The ground dispersed from below me causing me to fall. Nothingness engulfed me, pulling me down lower and lower. Then I woke up. Realization hit me hard when I saw there were no longer blood vines on my legs, I could fly free?

    My wings extended from my sore and mistreated body in a silhouette of shadows, taking all my remaining space. Feathers fluttered down in arrays creating what looked like a photo shoot drained of its sunlight. From what I saw of my reflection, my eyes shone their usual bright blue as I grasped the bed harshly.

    Each wrinkle made me cringe as I opened my eyes once again. I pulled myself up without any more thought until my eyes met a better idea. The frame adjacent to my location had a shining apple. It's color danced through different shades of glimmering blues and purples.

(Alright guys, it's time for no longer injured innit)

   I trudged forward ignoring any remaining pain and reached it. My hunger consumed me leaving me with no choice, I had to have it. Glass shattered across the ground as the apple drifted from its place to the ground. My hand took it with no hesitation, bringing it towards my mouth.

    Within seconds it was gone, yes the apple but my pain as well. My leg moved perfectly fine and I, well I was already out of there. Just as I'd wanted previously I felt the sunlight admire my skin. It's warm rays filled me with comfort and hope unlike I'd ever felt in some time.

    Joy was my blanket then, my protection. Motivation for the egg to be Demolished gave me strength. I flapped my wings a final time before descending.

   What followed that day was me meeting up with my family, together we destroyed the egg, lacking any losses. The conscience of everyone around us slowly faded back into their original forms without much of a hassle.

     We watched bad and sleepy reunite under the sunset as both were finally home. Bads apologizes we're never ending and so kind. He insisted on helping me no matter how hard it all went in the past even though I'd done so much to him.

I was finally home cause it was all over. 

"Hey Tommy,"

   Tubbo's voice sprung from the side. His gleaming eyes met mine as he walked towards me. Tears glistening from the water now rescinding on his cheeks. Streaks trailed down his face while I shook my head.

"Hey Tubbzo?"

Hello all of you :) please read the next post immediately for further information

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