Why Should I / Ch. 28

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Techno: "Tommy tell me that was a joke?"

I looked at him scared for my life. My hands were above my head as I had curled up under his cape, tears streaming down my eyes.

Techno: "Tommy please talk to me?"

He pleaded over and over. His hand met the cape and I felt a rush of wind fall behind me. The cape was gone and techno was cradling his arms. What have I done?

Tommy: "techno I don't know what tour talking about so please calm down,"


I flinched backwards on the coach. It felt like Dream all over again. My body fell off the coach colliding with the ground. I stood up and sprinted towards the door.


   An icey cold met my face as I continued sprinting. I went until everything was the same. I was in the same forest Dream had retrieved me from. But I couldn't remember much about it for some reason.

   Why was everything so hazy? It's almost like I'm missing something.

Dream: "Tommy,"

   I looked up at the familiar voice.

Tommy: "d-Dream?"

    He stared down at me before jumping down to my level.

Dream: "are your arms better?"

Tommy: "you could say that,"

    Dream sighed before stopping just ahead of me.

Dream: "it's just like that day a few months ago,"

    I looked into his eyes before he turned towards me. His hands collided with my chest causing me to fall backwards down the snow hill. Each speck of snow froze my skin while each branch scratched it.

    Everything pained me until I reached the bottom. I felt fine besides myself being dizzy I guess. My anger overfilled me and I stood up carefully, lightly dusting myself off.

Dream: "I see that didn't work right,"

    His voice shocked me but before I could react I felt his cold hands grasp my leg.

Dream: "just take a deep breath."

     I could feel tears fall as I screamed for help,

Tommy: "HELP FUCK HE-"


     Once again I had broken a limb to dream. Pain coursed through my leg causing me to drop back towards the ground, clutching my knee tightly for I feared he would break it next.

Dream: "Oh Tommy, why did you leave?"

   I became over flooded with emotion upon this statement.

Dream: "I was just so kind to you,"

    My head begun to spin,

Dream: "luckily I did drug the water as you suspected."

   The heart beat changed immediately from flow to fast.

Dream: "without the drug Tommy, you'll sleep."

     My eyes widened.

Dream: "you give connection to all of us and I can't have you dying on me? I'm even connected to you. Tommy I care about you!"

      That's not true, I went without the potion for days which means it's something else.

Dream: "let me help you up?"

    I look at his hand with disgust.

Tommy: "how am I meant to do that?"

    I spoke up, holding both my casts up high.

Dream: "I can carry you!"

    Wait it's my exhaustion, I've hardly slept since I've gotten here so logically it had to be that.


    Dream looked at me with looks of anger before turning to see my apparent family.

Techno: "Tommy just stay perfectly still and don't look down."

    Oh of course I'd look down. Though it was slightly blurry I could see my leg deformed and twisted to the side. Blood streamed from multiple points letting me be fully covered in sweat.

   A sickening feeling passed through my throat and I allowed it to come. Dream turned back towards me almost like he wanted to help but spoke a different speech.

Dream: "if you take another step I will break his other leg. His arms aren't fully healed so there is nothing he can do to escape."

     He was about to grab me but I swayed to the side, letting my sickness take over. My mouth dripped as I continued to gag over and over. Liquid fell from my throat before it eventually stopped naturally.

    I moved my hand to cover my mouth but the hand was covered in blood.

Techno: "Tommy we are taking him to jail! Your safe."

   Every bone in my body wanted to agree but I couldn't let myself do so. His hands covered my shoulders before he lifted me up, placing his cape over me.

Techno: "we can patch you up easily, don't worry. Just try and get your sleep schedule back."

     I could see he noticed my observation as well. I was not facing memory loss, I was just being a petty person who needed sleep.

     My hand held the fur of the cape as I let myself sleep. Did I really want to be living completely injured again or should I have just ended it all when Dream gave me the chance?

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