My New Older Brother / Ch. 17

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Tommy POV dumbasses I stg if you forgot. This is a drafted chapter so it was already make before the last was published...

2 weeks had passed since I'd last had to worry about my head or hand. Both have healed and now all that's left is my leg which will be done in 4 weeks!
I'll be running and fighting again soon.

Also When Dream has to go, I'm never alone, Punz is like a babysitter for me and those can be fun. Today Dream will be gone and it'll be just Punz and I. Like I said, he can be fun so it's alright.

Dream: "Tommy! I'm heading out, remember your medication."

I looked up then nodded to see Punz waiting in the doorway. He had the normal item list Dream gave him with rules / reminders but otherwise everything was just plain.

      The day would be completely uneventful and I knew it. After witnessing dreams departure I did what most kids do after their babysitter arrives, sit in their room and continue trying to hack their chat.

   Maybe Dream was right, I mean siblings are almost always right when it comes to their younger family but was Dream really family enough? He is always so Persistent on my medication it's just possessive.

Punz: "Tommy are you alright? Did you need your medication?"

Tommy: "um no it's totally fine actually. Just tired?"

   I openly lied to Punz. I needed to know what this caused me to feel. Why would anyone be so hung up in stupid medicine if it just helped with pain.

Punz: "well then I guess you can head to bed Tommy? I know it's early and I generally wouldn't let you waste time like that I but guess it's fine today."

I quickly looked back to show a look of false gratitude before returning to my room. My room was a bit better now but not by much. Everything was always the same so maybe now I'm a bit better, I can enable chat again.

After ten minutes of trying I was brought to a coded screen. My dark room masked the bright screen in a way dream would never see. The big letters across read disable parent sight which I assumed was how he always knew

There are thousands of possible things but one sticks out. I moved my fingers across the small keyboard and typed out my own name, hesitantly hitting enter.

The screen then flashed into my chat setting immediately. Chatting and viewing was off so I quickly turned it on. Where people talking about me?

I selected exit settings ready to get myself saved but I was shown an alarming sight,

Tubbo: News on Tommy?

Dream: I've got none, he's nowhere to be found.

Quackity: That traitor will die for what he's done.

Niki: I can't believe will ever defended him!"

Everyone was still against me even after the amount of evidence I had? I needed out because once Dream was chat viewed by' I'd be doomed. I messaged techno immediately. /w technoblade

Tommy: "listen I know you won't believe me but Dream still has me hostage. I need out! Before you ask I swear techno I didn't do anything. Dream knocked me out and forced me to the festival. You already have the cords and I know it. Dream is currently out so come help me please. He's drugging me with weird stuff and calling me family! Please techno."

I heard the door start to creak open like Punz needed to check on me. I slammed the send bar and swiped straight down just in time for Punz to make eye contact with me.

Punz: "What are you doing still awake?"

Punz was onto me and I could tell by the fact he was reaching down for his potions of weakness.

Tommy: "sorry I had a high mare so I can hardly sleep right now."

He nodded and turned to leave when a ding stopped him. Did I really turn chat notifications on? Punz in response turned towards me now clearly holding the potion. I need lmanburg gone so why am I so weak now?

What's the point in that comment you ask? The answer is the fact I starting hysterically crying. Punz looked down on me and tried to wipe tears off my face but I didn't stop them. The tears kept in going for a never ending cycle.

Punz: "Tommy, if you needed Dream you could've just told me, you didn't need to break the chat rule."

He swiped up and startling typing to dream. All I could make out was,

"Sorry I helped Tommy onto chat. I'm disabling it now but he really wanted to message you. He is currently fine but before he just had a terrible nightmare. I'm sure you understand."

I froze knowing I never sent Dream a message.

Tommy: "Punz you came in just as i started typing,"

Punz looked at me and chuckled a bit.

Punz: "alright Tommy, disable you chat really quickly after you've sent your message. I'll be back in 5."

I quickly swiped down and looked to see his message back but Dream was priority. /w Dream

"Dream I'm scared, I had this terrible nightmare where lmanburg came after me. They killed me over and over."

I hit send proud of my work and glanced to technos.

"Hi Tommy, I already knew all that. I'm on my way but be aware, you can't let lmanburg see you. They are planning to assassinate you. Dream tried to convince them otherwise but it never worked. I'm bringing Carl and your going to have to ride with me. Phil and Ranboo are waiting to help but once again he warned, Dream comes here everyday. I'll also be there in 5, Wait outside the door."

There were no option remaining. I stood up and grasped my crutches tightly. Every bone in my body told me don't do this but I had to. I climbed the stairs with visible objective to be met by Punz.

Tommy: "under your supervision could we sit outside for a minute? I'd like to clear my head a bit so I can't sleep better."

I sent a light smile towards him before exiting. He walked behind me without pulling me back which indicated that he didn't mind. I sat on the porch steps leading downwards as Punz watched me intently.

For the 2 minutes I was there he patted me on the shoulder maybe 10 times? That was until I heard the noise of a horse. Any horse makes a noise but this horse sounded like Carl. Was I finally seeing techno again?

I moved my crutches up and slammed Punz in the head. I did feel remorse but this was my only chance. I stayed still awaiting his arrival but it happened to be someone else. Of course I was too stupid to realize it had only been 3 minutes in total.

The thing is that was no technoblade, no techno at all. That was a different type of brother. The type that scares you so easily you always flinch backwards.

And so, There Dream was. Looking at me waiting for me to move in response. All I could do was stare. Dream caught me red handed and I could only remember his threat for if I use chat.

(Yes the word choice of Bug was intentional)

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