Almost like its happening again / Ch. 33

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Tommy POV, 😃🤳🏻

     Puffy walked carefully almost secondly giving me a reassuring pat. I've acknowledged I'm quite heavy so puffy was making a sacrifice for the good of all, especially by letting me rest my head onto her chest for comfort.

"Just hold on Tommy, I need to message Sam that we've arrived."

     Within seconds of the beep I'd remembered well the door creaked slightly open. A pair of eyes gleamed towards us before pulling the knob back.

"Hi puffy!"

      I turned my head to see awesome dude.

"I see you've got Tommy, what's the pain reliever schedule they gave us?"

     I gulped, could they talk about something more enjoyable?

"Eh heh maybe we can talk about that later, Alone."

Puffy seemed to have realized my issue. She acknowledged it instantly and reacted even faster.

"Oh well, I guess we can get you some food,"

His gaze fell on me during this statement. It was quite clear whom he directed it at but it looked like he didn't want to address me directly.

Puffy started walking towards the direction Sam had gone, nudging the door shut with her foot as she passed by. Each step swayed me slightly to a side but I never knew which one. All I could do was relax into her arms.

After a few seconds, I felt myself being shook a bit.

"You must be really tired to fall asleep that quick huh?"

Puffy smiled at me and continued to place me in a chair. She pushed me back a bit, insuring I wouldn't fall off before returning to Sam.
S- Sam
P- Puffy
T- Tommy
(Here is some detail less as in no detail just dialogue)

S "So Tommy, do you want anything to eat in specific?"

T "erm. I'm alright."

P "come on Tommy! It looks like you haven't eaten in ages and besides, vegetables are good for you.
(K I lied a bit of detail)

Puffy shrugged at me as she proudly stood just ahead.

P: "I don't mean that offensively if that's how you took it. Just looking out for you."

I nodded slowly before I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

S: "I'll ask again before I choose, any requests?"

A small group of chuckles emerged from my mouth before I replied.

T: "no thanks big man!"

Sam let himself grin upon hearing my words. It had indeed been a while since i remember last saying big man. Who had I said it to? Dream maybe?

S: "I'll throw something together, puffy, you know what to ask him about."

      His new serious tone made me shiver.

P: "so um Tommy,"

     Puffy sighed and looked at me just as serious as Sam.

P: "I need to know what dream did, when your ready, of course."

     Her face moved towards me and changed into a warming smile.

T: " I-, what do you want to know about it?"

      Shock glided over her face like she had expected a no but my comment gave her the comfort she'd provided me with. She's trying to be helpful so I guess I don't mind sharing.

P: "I heard from Ranboo that Dream hurt you, how did you get hurt?"

      I let a few breaths escape my mouth before opening my mouth to let out a shaky response,

T: "I guess the um, first time I was injured was my leg. I was clumsy and tripped."

    Puffy nodded and pulled up a chair to sit beside me. She was sympathetic.

T: "the um, second time, that I was hurt was all the fingers on my left hand, or a concussion, I can't really remember which was first, I-it's all a blur,"

     I could the the slight horror she was holding back in order to give me a feeling of safety but I just couldn't give in to that, not anymore at least.

T: "I uh fell down the stairs and hit my head I think. After that I attempted to use my um chat for help. I uh forgot the um whisper command so I guess the rest is self explanatory. He uh, threw me to the um, ground. Too scared to move I g-guess so he um, he stepped on my hand and they all uh, cracked?"

     Puffy could no longer contain the shock in her eyes. Every bit of her looked tortured by this information and like the urge to cry was just unimaginable.

T: "and I uh guess you might want to hear about the arms, yeah?"

     She slowly nodded unsure if she'd regret it. I knew she would but what's life without a little risk?

T: "I tried to escape again, Dream grabbed me and uh then he just snapped them?"

       My speech faded away as I completed all the stories of my injuries. I was sure to leave the bad part out and I was sure I always would.

P: "could you tell me what happened after he hurt your arms?"

     Her voice was shaky but I admired the attempt.

T: "he uh, a box I guess? I was put in a box."

P: "what kind of box?"

T: "bedrock one. Surrounded by mobs so I was awake all night. Wasn't allowed to sleep."

       Puffy must've assumed talking about the trauma would make it feel better. I disagree but her methods were worth a shot.

P: "I'm sorry Tommy,"

     I shrugged

T: "it's alright, nothing you can do about it."

     She stood up and walked over almost ready to ask a question but someone interrupted,

S: "hey I've got the food!!"

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