Hes couldnt be that way / Ch.32

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       Tommy POV :)

     I carefully accepted the pill letting it's strange texture slide into my throat.

"W-w-what's in the p-pill anyways?"

     Fear broke through my skin and sweat drenched by blanket.

"Don't worry, it's just the pain medication. I'm not forcing you to sleep or anything."

I sighed before realizing his slight drop in voice towards the end.

"Why, I'm obviously not going to come with you willingly?"

"Ranboo wouldn't let me. No matter how hard I'd try he would never let me do that."

His comment soothed me as I could feel his two hands lift me up. One lowered and messily placed the blanket back over me.

"I may only be doing this for Dream in a way but I still can't let you get cold. My conscience would eat away at me for days."

He was implying the days until he forgot we even talked.

"I'm taking you by boat back to the smp. Awesome dude said he'd help hide you while puffy destructs the badlands."

I nodded trying to reassure myself but I could feel a few tears trickle down my face. I'm scared by the fact I can't escape if I'm cornered. His hand touched by head lightly before he rested it beneath me for better support.

"If I'm correct, you still have that fever huh?"

He chuckled a bit soon letting it fade away.

"At any point, if you need anything, just let me now."

The tricks may be the same but he was nothing like Dream. He offered anything and tried to support me fully. Even though I felt tense I doubt he would let me panic my way through this.

"Sadly Sam does not have some god Apple to help you but he can still support you somehow. You won't be injured for 6 months, none of us will allow that, but your going to have to hold off for us."

I nodded as I listened to his instruction. (They are on the boat towing now btw, Tommy is kinda lying down sitting up yk what I mean and Ranboo / dreamon is stealing)

"And lastly, when we get there, your going straight into sadly, another basement,"

My eyes squinted trying to avoid it but more tears drifted down my face.

"Don't cry about it! In this basement you'll be able to see tubbo and puffy, oh and of course Sam!"

I wiped the tears from my face, preparing myself for the breakdown I knew I'd have. I sighed before asking the one thing I had to know,

"Will I have freedom? If I can move around will I be taken outside with help?"

He looked at me with a small bit of sympathy before shaking his head.

"Unless we are positive the badlands are not near you, I can't confirm we will."

"Are we at least almost there?"

"Just look at the biome ahead dingus, there's literally a whole view of what once was lmanburg."

(Remember I am not fond of writing trips so that was very short )

He once again lifted me up, except this time he put Technos cape around me instead of a blanket.

"You'll be gone for a while, this might help a bit."

I tugged the cape so it was fully around me before rolling into his chest. The climate here wasn't technically cold but I needed comfort. Even with the pain killers I couldn't stop thinking about my leg.

A few moments passed before I felt two hands place under me that were not whatever took my friend.

"Hey Tommy! How are you doing?"

I looked up to see who was now holding me and I made eye contact with someone I recognized not too well but decently.


My voice shook under the guess but she nodded with a smile. She looked towards the Ranboo figure and sent a look of thanks at him before attempting to reposition me to her back.

"Can you hold onto me like that?"

My leg fell mostly limp but I need only my arms to wrap around puffy so I nodded.

"You know you can talk to me? I know you've been through a lot and I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Her voice was like a small hug that you hadn't felt in years yet I still couldn't help but be slightly scared. I looked to where Ranboo had been to see he'd vanished.

"Don't worry, Ranboo is ok. I think he's just forgotten some things."

I had to try,

"P-puffy please d-dont make m-me stay in a b-basement"

She looked away before looking back at me sadly,

"We've tried everything but this basement is too deep for the egg to find you. That's the best we can do."


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