Untitled (yes the chapter is called untitled) / Ch. 25

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Tommy: "Phil, please, don't tell techno I have the voices."

    I pleaded to Phil.
Phil's blue eyes gleamed with fury almost evidently directed at Dream. His face of love that I remembered so well had changed in an instant.

Phil: "Tommy I'm sorry, I just don't know if I trust you right now. Especially alone."

     Of course. Now I'd be babied and I'm not even a child. Phil had been on the game of life for quite some time and he clearly had things left to learn.

     Still, I waited for techno to return with Ranboo.

Techno: "I'll take Tommy back to his room in the basement."

     Without any resistance I held technos arm and followed down. I never noticed but the basement is shaped box like. It reminds me of dream for some reason.

Techno: "will you be ok alone or do I need to make sure you don't pick up that pen and stab yourself."

    I furrowed my eyebrow at this comment. He was almost taunting me in a caring way. I never knew that expression existed.

Tommy: "don't be like that. Just leave."

   Techno sighed before sitting down beside the bed I was laying in.

Techno: "I'm not leaving you to sulk in the bodices Tommy. They are terrible things and I know how they make you feel."

Tommy: "You don't know anything about me techno."

      Techno let out a chuckle before pulling the covers over my still body.

Tommy: "I just woke up? I'm mot going back to sleep."

Techno: "well if you want me to leave you best be asleep. The voices won't affect you then but I'm sure you already knew that."

Tommy: "I'm sure I'd remember asking yet I don't."

Techno: "be grateful Tommy. We may be your family but that doesn't make us obligated to help."

Tommy: "I never said you have to help me. If I want to die you should let me."

Techno: "see, that's the thing about family. They will help you and support you until you want something they don't want."

Tommy: "I don't want to die then, can I leave now?"

Techno: "you don't change your mind that quick Wilbur junior."

Tommy: "I'm no Wilbur. Tubbo may be schlatt but that doesn't make me Wilbur."

Techno: "it kinda does Tommy"

Tommy: "no it really doesn't."

Techno: "uh huh, anyways thoughts on government?"

     I hesitated before letting out a dry response,

Tommy: "I love it so much. I would marry government if I could."

    Techno angrily but his lip before looking back at me.

Techno: "is that so?"

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