A Scheme / Ch 12

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Tommy POV s

I finally did it, I enabled my chat. I now had the ability to send messages to others and get replies. I swiped on the air, signaling for my chat to appear. The lightly colored words of the chat gleamed in my dark room.

Joy filled my mind. For my own sake I'd have to be careful but I could feel myself getting nervously optimistic. This situation would require my full and additionally utmost attention yet I still felt that way. My blue eyes finally returning to their sapphire color as before the exile. I was finally me again.

I then heard the footsteps of my familiar foe. They echoed through the floors of the house as he walked down the wooden stairs. Each step he took created a clicking noise that slowly got louder.

I emerged from cocoon of blankets to disable chat. A feeling I couldn't quite describe came up, maybe a feeling of thrill? I swiped my hands through the room temperature air, watching the colorful screen disappear into the darkness, fading almost on its own accord.

It was only an hour ago that Dream left to get bad home and now he was back. I ruffled my hair to make it seem messy and shook my head a couple of times. My hair waved side to side creating its own knots within itself. Making my concussion act more believable.

Just as I sent my head back into the silky pillows the door creaked open. The noise irritated me even though I wasn't actually concussed. He was trying to be quiet which made the whole matter worse. The creaks had now scattered across the few seconds opening the door would take, which made it painstakingly obvious he believed my act.

I could hear the glass of water in his hand swishing back and forth. Water is tasteless mainly but the water here was different. Now that I was thinking straight I managed honesty easily, this water was probably tampered with.

My eyes were wide open as he placed his hand to my shoulder. To heighten his believability in my concussion I sprung straight up, clutching my head while grasping my now shaken hair. Now that I actually felt my hair in a good state of mind, it was strange. Before I could call my hair soft but wild now it was just blond and knotted.

I widened my eyes before looking at his. I most likely looked stupid but sometimes stupid is the best thing you can be. He then softened his tone,

D: "Sorry I woke you up Tommy, Here."

He extended his hand to give me the extra medication. His hand was covered in fingerless gloves but from what I saw, his hands were dirty and newly washed. I looked down at the white pill i now swallowed several times before.

I hesitated before reaching out and grasping the pill with my left hand. It was soft yet full of so many things. I once again hesitated. I knew this could cost me the act but what if this was too much? The medication will have nowhere to go. I simply can't take it.

I looked up ready to decline but noticed a pair of emerald eyes staring back at me. The eyes I saw were full of intensity and made the room feel at least 80 degrees hotter. I did my best to hide my fear but I was overwhelmed. So overwhelmed I didn't even see the full face.

These eyes didn't feel normal. They were like a snake capturing an emerald, holding it hostage in the center of the eye. They gave off a glow of the unknown that I couldn't quite place into a category.

D: "Are you going to take it Tommy?"

He interrupted me so quickly. My eyes watered just seeing his eyes and now I could see the rough outline of his facial features. Not enough to describe them but enough to answer my lingering questions, and that was is Dream human?

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