Unsuspected / Ch.31

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Tommy pov:

   "How did that get here?"

    Ranboo's voice fell frantic as he immediately began pacing the room.

"I thought I checked for them!"

    I tried to ease my mind but his movement distracted me easily.

"Why wouldn't they listen to me!"
     His questions towards himself sent shivers down my spine. How could someone be this forgetful?

"Ranboo, how did the egg even get out here?"

    He turned towards me, edging for an answer but just as before, he knew the truth was due.

"Tommy, they've spread."

    Shock emerged from my face as his voice trembled in fear.

"And they want you, the badlands want you."

   The many possibilities flooded my head but I shook it lightly off.


     Ranboo turned towards me one final time before regrettably turning away.

"You're immune, you can't be infected. Puffy and I found out when you were injured at dreams"


"Tommy, dreams house is surrounded by blood vines, that's why nobody knew where you were. We all assumed the egg consumed you."

      I blankly stared down at the egg I'd spat out minutes ago.

"What will they do when they get me?"

      He blinked a couple of times, wiping his eyes for any sign of tears.

"They'll Turn you. You won't be yourself anymore, it's like killing you!"

      Terror sprouted within me. What if they came by foot and dragged me away? I had no ability to resist. And bad is most likely angered at me. He now has 2 cannon lives all because I took one. Who's to say he won't make an attempt on my last?

    I allowed my fears to disinfect my mind's original issues, not forever, just until I could get over this badlands thing.

"D-do you t-think they'd come a-all the w-way out h-here?"

    My voice came out as a stutter most likely from the information I'd just taken in.

"They've already tried. Followed by a dream."

     I glanced at my leg before looking helplessly at Ranboo.

"I know what you're thinking but they said they'd be back at a new time. You were seriously injured and could've died before making it back,"

     His statement was faulty yet I still believed it.

"They said they already have a room for you,"

     He spoke carefully, minding his new boundaries.

"Even pointed out that they made a rehabilitation room."

    If I went there, the badlands would want me there for a long time, not to kill me but that long?

"The badlands need me then?"

"I suppose so,"

      Ranboo coveted each bit of worry but it claimed it's way through his different colored eyes.

"They said they need you,"

       He emphasized the word need without a hint of remorse. He must've sensed that I didn't appreciate the apologetic behavior I'd been receiving.

"Listen Ranboo"

      Without a second thought he looked at me hoping for some reassurance.

"I'm a strong man, though I'll need rehabilitation I'm still strong!"

      He sighed. His mind must've placed me into a state of denial. If Techno didn't find that apple, I'd be like this for 6 months, that's half a year.

"I am thankful for the attempt Tommy but what do you think we should do?"

      I looked at him with questions before I realized, he intended to let me make the decision before my family arrived home.

"Why would you give me this freedom in choice?"

      He turned away before flashing a hint of ignorance at me. The kind that isn't shown on public television, this kind was real.

"I'm not offering you as bait to the badlands, I'm offering to give you off to puffy and awesomedude. They said they'd take some kids in and since Tubbi declined I think your a great candidate,"

"What about Phil and techno? They'll be furious with you Ranboo!"

     I immediately started protesting this idea.

"It would protect you! The badlands know your spot here but there? You'll be unsuspected!"

     Realization flooded me evidently as a slap to the face.

"You're not the Ranboo I knew, are you? That Ranboo wouldn't even think what you're thinking."

     A small chuckle emerged from the person inhabiting my fallen friend's body.
I shook my head slowly as he moved closer to me, with the pill I remember dream using in his other hand.

"Ranboo will be gone for a while, you best listen and stay with awesome dude and puffy."

     A green light from his red eye shone bright towards me as he held his hand over my mouth.

"T-thats a d-dream trick,"

     I could feel myself quivering as he covered my nose and pushed the pill into my mouth.

"I know."

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