Decide / Ch. 6

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Techno may be here but is he enough?

T: "Dream I may be a man of my word but you can't have my little brother."

I don't want this anymore. Whatever they need from me it's ok. If techno tries to save me he will take the fault for my mistakes. I can't be the reason techno loses a life. A true predicament... makes me wonder how I would've done as the president. I breathed in and exhaled loudly.


I don't usually raise my voice I would say. I can't have him trying to save me either. Feelings of uncertainty and light confusion covered me like a shadow cast by a tree, the tree being dream.

To: "you can't fight them all, just let me go."

I looked straight into his ring red eyes. I don't think I've ever seen them shine with tears before. His long pink hair blew to the left alongside the wind as he extended his hand to give me a helmet. This helmet has mending and out of everything was a turtle shell.

With a final look backwards towards techno, I approached Sapnap. This may seem stupid to many but out of all of them he is least likely to hurt me. Still I approached with caution. I usually feel tall but without my armor I appear shorter than Sapnap. He loomed over me. To him I appeared a scared child fearing death.

Without techno what am I? I'm not bold or strong? Im just scared of betrayal. I want Wilbur back because he made me believe in my thoughts of presidency. He gave me a challenge I couldn't overcome. The motivation just drains out of me slowly until it's nothing.

I like techno cause he didn't take any of that from me. He provided me with things to do, he gave me worth. Who am I kidding? I'm not worth a thing. I wanted to destroy lmanburg and I honestly still feel like I need to.? I will use this opportunity. They will bring me to the smp so why don't I take some destructive items with me?

To: "at least let me put Pigstep away Sapnap..."

He glared back. There is no way for me to get my tnt stack from the chest unless I can convince him. There was no option but to hurt myself. I need tears. My arm begun to burn as I pinched it for a solid few second. Before I knew it my eyes burned as well from tears streaming my face at rapid paces.

Sap: "Fine, Dream, George, I'll meet you at the portal. If you try anything Tommy, I'm breaking you arm."

(Just a quick note, this is irl MineCraft so they can't be hurt in other ways. I need aliveinnit rn)

I then scanned the chest for the for my tnt. My eyes falling on a stack of endear pearls. I added those to my inventory alongside the stack of red explosives. I also placed my netherite armor in so it couldn't be seen.

S: "listen Tommy, we aren't going to kill you, we just need you somewhere right now and it's not technos. I know we've had our differences but I know that you know this isn't a small joke anymore. Understand me?"

I nodded my head. I did learn a bit for Dream actually. The crying and playing the victim thing I did minutes ago. If I cry at moments of triumph they will believe I'm weak. That's what makes it perfect.

To: "we can go now."

S: "Tommy we are going to be gone for a while, if you want to wish techno a goodbye I won't stop you."

This is my chance. I can do it. I know I've already cried for this but if I cry to techno I can use the chance to pass my plan on. As I did before I nodded in response.

We both pearled straight to the house. I opened the wood door and prepared my plan. There it was, a lose nail. I have no other choice self, I have to do this. My toe then collided with the broken metal piece. Causing clear tears to once again fall.

To: "Techno, I'm scared.."

I then ran up to techno and hugged him. He was taken aback from this action but noticed by face moving towards his ear and settled to listen.

To: "in two days from now, I am destroying lmanburg. I have tnt, pearls, and my set. Make sure I have time to get out of wherever I'm going."

Sapnap then turned after hearing me whisper. Though he couldn't make it out he evidently noticed. Techno acknowledged this and made an immediate response.

T: "Tommy you nerd. I know you love me so just say it out loud. There's nothing wrong with missing your big brother. It's totally OKAY"


Hiss emphasis on the word okay showed he knew what I meant. Grabbing my bell I made with Wilbur when I remained in logstenshire, I turned towards Sapnap.

T: "we can go know."

UGH SORRY ABOUT THAT TRASH LOL. I don't feel like putting detail. Too much work. No thanks

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