Our main idea / Ch. 3

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(Always Tommy POV)

    After a few days I've realized Dream will be doing something soon. The way he checks Technos for me is like how he checked Logstenshire for me. It's quite dramatic really but it helped me figure something out that I've pondered for quite a bit.

   How long do I have? Dream could come after me any second so how long do I have? Techno and I discussed how I need to act fast but there's no time. Dream will do something and it will be soon.

People can't comprehend that time is precious. Times is money, but in this case, time is everything. All of it depends on how long we have and how well we work. If we can't finish our plan before the festival we are screwed.

What kind of plan is going on in our little family you may ask? We are crashing a certain funeral. My funeral. If we are prepared, there will be blood. Lmanburg will fall and I will be sure if it.

I have noticed something strange though. Techno is often trying to hide his play tag. It's fine though, I'm his brother not dream? Why is he hiding his location so often. At this rate sketchy doesn't fit the issue. More abnormal or Obnoxious.

My thoughts can only fall to one certain reason. He is planning something or, the real best guess, reading my diary. A diary may seem stupid at start but hear me out. I write it in the final pages of my to do list so it's hidden. I use it to let out my anger in a healthy way. The only issue with that is what's in it.

I express my worry for Tubbo but hatred at the same time. I also add something Techno could exploit. At the very end I wrote, "I want to be like Techno some day." What does that have to do with anything is what your probably thinking. Techno is usually a man of his word. I also said I would kill Tubbo if necessary.

If Techno reads that I may have to kill Tubbo. At first you could say run away then. Go to dream. Dream will help you! No, Dream won't help me. Dream manipulated me and destroyed everything I'd done. He gave Tubbo credit for what Wilbur and I did.

Tubbo didn't really create lmanburg, Wilbur and I did. Tubbo isn't really the president, he's a substitute for me. There is no way in hell that he deserves that position. Power should go to those with a sense of thought, he is a puppet. It's hollow where his brain should be.

The Tubbo I liked is gone. The Tubbo I knew is gone. This Tubbo is a power thirsty ass who will betray his friends at the pull of a string. But the one who pulled the string, Dream. The ultimate ass. Manipulating people left and right.

He can have Tubbo. That clingy Bitch will finally leave me alone. All alone. I have Techno and Phil now. Soon I'll have Wilbur too. After I have Wilbur, we destroy Lmanburg. It's like a family project. This will be fun to complete.

And with technos withers we will make it. Nobody can stand in our way. People will never say "Tommyinnit can't be president" they will be saying how Tommyinnit is goverment. Tommyinnit is law. I will scare them all. Starting with Tubbo.

Author note: My bday is tmrw. Lol. I hate pistachios sometimes. They won't ducking crap. Also starfruit may be shaped like a star in a way but it's so fucking gross. Art by HumbleBerryCherry insta

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