Execute the steps / Ch. 27

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    The scream gleamed infront of me as I typed the command once again. Soon I'd be caught but I couldn't decide how to send Dream my location. I had the sneaking suspicion someone was watching me but u knew it was in my best interest to ignore. My best bet was this message but I just didn't know,

"Hi Dream! I don't know what's going on but I'm on cords ### for some reason. Why is that? Could you come get me? They won't allow me to leave the house for some reason. Actually nvm. I don't need to go back. I like it here."

   it will get Dream angered without another line being needed. Through all my seeping suspicions that I was being watched, I still managed to hit send. Leaving only two possibilities for me. Well that's what I believed. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Time passed in a few suspenseful moments yet no reply came. Each second gave me more thrill but also diminished my courage. What if I couldn't get out? They may be able to fight better than dream and that could ruin all of it.

All my guesses came to form a theory. I had proof and it had been tested but it couldn't be confirmed. I'm assuming they left some restriction on my chat but what?

My eyes glazed over the bare chat with only the alert symbolizing 2:56 am, denied. Wait what does denied mean? I sat up immediately. Every little bit of area mattered at this moment.

It's currently 5:45 am. They probably think I'm still asleep which is why they haven't bothered me. Denied most likely means they read the chat though? I only have about 5 hours then.

Luckily my usual wake up time has been around 10:00, is that enough time though? Every inch of my body ached from the exhaustion caused by my lack of sleep. To think about it I haven't slept a wink tonight.

Through my pain I trudged through the room, searching everything for a way out. I grasped the door handle slightly, shaking it multiple times but I couldn't prevail.

Tommy: "This is a lot of work,"

I huffed. My whisper sent shivers down my spine upon hearing its raspy sound. Yet that didn't distract me from my mission. I had the intent to leave now and that's what I'd do.

Each step I took was silent with a deadly outcome. There was no telling what they knew from that message and there was no telling what was going to happen when I "woke up".

After my minutes of struggle the door swung open, revealing the ladder I hated. I clutched the sides with my weak arms, barely hanging on but still progressing slowly.

I did my best to minimize the creaks but I didn't prevail. As I reached the top area I finally felt free. The living room was in sight just as much as the ladders top. I didn't feel free, I was free.

Unfortunately I wasn't careful enough. I trailed my mind off to the robe sitting beside a main chair which rested above the living room floor. A fire made soothing crackles engulfing me with a small heat.

Temptation pushed hard and I submitted. I walked slowly up to the fire and sat beside the caped chair. My mistake laid there as the chair turned towards me.

The person staring into my eyes was none other than the blade. He pointed his ruby red eyes at me with concern shining around the pupils.

Techno: "Hello Tommy, Where were you going?"

I let out an exasperated sigh before letting myself sink into the sofa. (He's in a small couch, he's basically lying down also)

Tommy: "It's very hot in here isn't it?"

Technos face grew into a small frown before he's sent out his reply,

Techno: "I knew you'd come up but aren't you tired?"

I hesitated but allowed myself a reply,

Tommy: "aren't you?"

He chuckled at me just as he usually does.

Techno: "I slept earlier,"

A wave of exhaustion hit me once again as I listened to his comment. Would I have to venture back down in my tired state.

I swung my legs over the side walking towards techno's chair. My hand clutched the cape as I pulled it over me. Techno moved his hand in protest but spoke first,

Tommy: " I'm laying back on that couch near the fire and I want a blanket."

I layed back on the couch legging my head fall into the fluffed pillow. My eyes closed but I could still acknowledge the sound of techno standing up and moving towards me. He grasped my hand and spoke a few words.

Techno: "you need to understand Tommy,"

The room fell silent.

Techno: "everything we've been through will protect you ok? If you stop trying to leave then we can trust you sooner."

He sighed before removing his hand and changing the placement to the cape. He pulled its fluff closer so it fully covered me.

Techno: "I'll be right next to you until you wake up. Good night Theseus."

Tommy: "why Theseus?"

Techno stopped in his path and turned back frantically.

Techno: "are you saying you don't remember?"

I eyed techno with confusion,

Tommy: "huh what are you implying??? You never told me anything."

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