Ch. 35

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    Sam cautiously continued through the path. His hair brushed behind him lightly screening Anys shoulder but Ant remained oblivious. He seemed to have no idea we were passing by after we let silence pass for a few seconds.

     The walk was short but eventually it came to an end, like things usually do.

T: "are we there yet?"

     I mumbled slightly out of sams jacket.

S: "just outside the door,"

    He responded, patting my head. Sam lightly ruffled my hair before sighing,

S: "you ready to go in?"

     After a few seconds of silence passed I nodded. Id already become lightheaded so what's the worst that could happen?

     As the door slid open, I was engulfed in sudden darkness. Two lights then flickered illuminating the whole area.

T: "woah, what is this?"

Sam sighed before continuing his walk, obviously taking me with him.

S: "as you know, I pride myself in my building. It always makes me feel happy to know how much people appreciate my style and hard work. So this is a fragment of my favorite build. I'm not sure how you feel about enclosed spaces so I made this area quite large."

His care within the choice he had made created an atmosphere where I could truly settle in.

T: "that's amazing. This place is truly beautiful Sam."

The expression he had slowly formed into a misfortunate look. He sheltered something he didn't want to express but regrettably stated it.

S: "I don't think you understand. Though we will be here aswell, you can't leave here for a long time. Are you really ok knowing that?"

Sams voice was soporific. (Causing sleep)
My mind didn't want to focus on what he'd just stated so it zoned out. I wouldn't allow my surroundings to dictate my head. Still, I couldn't help but shiver.

S: "this place makes me feel quite placid. (Calm or peaceful) I hope it does the same for you."

His stride came to an end, causing me to slightly open my eyes. People like Dream make such specious claims but it seems like when Sam talks, it's always correct. It seems correct but it is actually. It's no farce. He's sincere.

T: "are we at the rooms end?"

I shifted to the side allowing myself to stare at a light red bed.

S: "how do you like it? I believe puffy chose the blankets with dreams help. He may not be a good guy but he does know what you enjoy."

My intuition told me that this man was doing his best for me. Talking to dream is an unfortunate event for someone to experience. He commonly gives dry replies and annoying remarks. Dream is cocky.

S: "is everything alright?"

His efforts to help were too admirable. I had to prevaricate my opinions. (Lie or deviate from the truth)

T: "totally fine Sam! Don't procrastinate over small things."

Sam looked overjoyed hearing my response. I glanced over and noticed the shelf beside the bed. It was covered in unwritten books. Stories I could cover in my own words as a legacy.

S: "what serendipity you have Tommy, sometimes things are unlucky but you always find the good things without looking. Figuratively, and literally."

I smirked at his statement.

T: "I'm just a big man you know? Us big men are smart."

Sam prepared to set me down but I flinched, purposely may I add. I wanted to obviate his intentions of keeping me down here.

S: "Tommy, you can't do this. It's really hard for me to place you down here but your making me dither. This isn't going to be easy for either of us."

There is one thing that could convince them to allow me outside but it's absurd. Phil would kill me knowing I hid this from him for my whole life. But I've always been told to me intrepid, brave in the face of danger. Loneliness can be like a disease. I do not want to be alone.

T: "Sam, actually never mind."

I caught his attention but my indestructible ego wouldn't allow me to stoop this low.

S: "no Tommy, what is it?"

My pride precluded me from making my statement. (Preclude means prevent)

S: "I get things will be different but that's for the both of us, don't you want a mutual understanding so this is easier for us?"

His statements veracity (truth) made me let out a silent cry. With Dream he was commonly gone, I could tend to this issue myself but now? Now I need help, should I really admit this to Sam? My largest secret?

I grasped my shirt before motioning Sam to lower me. The softness of the bed sunk me lower down calming my nerves easily.

S: "There is something urgent you want to tell me, yes?"

My body responded for me and nodded. He sighed before grasping the blankets and pulling them over me.

S: "would you like to tell me?"

I was already aching from my shoulders down but showing Sam couldn't hurt, he wouldn't tell a soul.

T: "I know you talk to my dad, Phil, would you jot tell him this?"

Sam hesitantly acknowledged my demand and accepted it.

T: "I'm just like him, except my wings weren't blown to bits."

His face widened before chuckling. He thought this was a game.

T: "don't mock me."

I snapped back at him but he just continued to laugh.

S: "oh cmon Tommy! If that were true you and Phil would've had flying lessons beside each other."

His expression dimmed as he realized what I had asked of him. I braced myself and allowed my wings to emerge. That was the last time I ever saw Sam look at me that way. I don't know whether he enjoyed my wings look or just didn't understand why I would hide such magnificent things, all I know is he certainly wanted to tell, and hardly had the urge to leave it be.

(Hello!!!! So basically Tommy has wings like Phil. He wants to use them to fly instead of using his leg and that's why I added them. I don't plan on disposing of them or making them major but I needed some details to center for you know???? This is the first chapter for tonight. Here!!! The writing is a bit different because I tried out a new style I like but that'll be specified next chapter.)

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